From Rhona, NYCI Youth Arts Programme <[email protected]>
Subject Join us at SPARK Youth Arts Festival 2025!
Date January 30, 2025 10:18 AM
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Hello John,

Our annual SPARK Youth Arts Festival ([link removed]) is back, and you're invited to join us for a week of celebrating and promoting active youth participation in youth arts!

I already know it's going to be great - take me straight to registration :) ([link removed])
What you need to know!
📅 When and where? The festival will take place from Monday 24th February to Saturday 1st March.

❓ What will I get out of attending? The week is jam-packed with activities, inspiration and celebration, including:
* The Empower: Youth Participation in Youth Arts Webinar ([link removed]) to explore how young people are empowered to shape their own artistic journeys and influence decision-making.
* An exclusive workshop with Youth Arts Speaks ([link removed]) to explore creative, youth-led consultation.
* Opportunities to have your questions answered before you start your Artist and Youth Work Residency Grant Scheme ([link removed]) application
* Youth Arts Celebration Event ([link removed]) to showcase youth arts and creativity in youth work!
* ... and more to be announced!

There really is something for everyone this year!

🤔 Is it for me? If you are a youth worker, artist, youth arts practitioner, manager, or someone who works with young people in a youth work, youth arts or non-formal education setting with an interest in youth arts in youth work, you're bound to find something that inspires you!

💰 How much? All events are free!

😀 Check out the events ([link removed]) and grab your place while you can!
Okay, now I really want to see all the SPARK Youth Arts festival events! ([link removed])
Please get in touch with me if you have any questions about getting involved in SPARK Youth Arts Festival ([link removed]) this year. We would be delighted to hear from you!

All the best,


Rhona Dunnett
National Youth Arts Programme Manager
National Youth Council of Ireland
3 Montague Street, Dublin 2

P.S. Please do share this email with your networks and contacts, we're looking forward to welcoming as wide a range of participants as possible at SPARK Youth Arts Festival ([link removed]) this year.

P.P.S Keep an eye on our socials and newsletter to be the first to hear about more SPARK events to be announced!

SPARK Youth Arts Festival is funded by The Arts Council and the Department for Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth.

Copyright © 2025 National Youth Council of Ireland, All rights reserved.
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National Youth Council of Ireland
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