From Christopher Luxon <[email protected]>
Subject We're reversing Labour's blanket speed reductions
Date January 30, 2025 3:03 AM
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Hi John,
Kiwis told us they were sick of being slowed down by Labour’s blanket speed reductions and we’ve taken action – with the first slowed-down roads returning to a 100km/h limit last night. Reversing blanket speed reductions not only helps speed up people and freight but is one step of many this year we will take to accelerate the economy.

Going for economic growth and improving productivity is our number one priority, and the cumulative effect of millions of Kiwis getting to work or moving freight faster, is an important part of that.

In total, including the Featherston to Masterton stretch, there are 38 sections of the state highway which will have their reduced speed limits [automatically reversed]([link removed]) by 1 July and a [further list of 49 sections of state highways]([link removed]) are now open for public consultation so local communities can have their say.

Feedback from the public has been overwhelmingly positive. But we also made a common-sense decision to introduce reduced speed limits outside schools during pick-up and drop-off times, increased breath tests for drink driving and we’re spearheading new legislation to introduce drug testing on our roads, investing [$ 1.3 billion over the next three years]([link removed]) on roadside tests and other safety initiatives.

2025 has got off to an excellent start – we are accelerating growth, productivity, and investment so all New Zealanders can thrive.  

Thank you,

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