This Lunar New Year begins under the quiet darkness of a new moon,
a symbol of fresh starts, renewal and growth. Now is the perfect time
to reflect on what makes our
planet vibrant and full of life: trees.
The Earth’s lifeblood runs through the arteries of the tree
root system. Without trees, the very ground we walk on is
stripped bare of nutrients essential to sustainable ecosystems and
agriculture. Forests also represent one of our best defenses against
climate change. They absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere through
photosynthesis, reducing greenhouse gases.
EARTHDAY.ORG’S The Canopy Project has planted
millions of trees to restore this vital coverage — but we need your
help today.

With your support, we will continue our commitment working with
local communities to cultivate, protect, and preserve every tree
planted. Our focus on reintroducing 100,000 mangroves to the world's
largest mangrove forest located in The Sundarbans, India, provides
natural resilience, biodiversity conservation, economic
revitalization, and carbon sequestration saving millions of
Join The Canopy Project and
invest in responsible reforestation programs in critical areas
worldwide and contribute to solving the increasing challenges of
climate change.
🌳 Plant a Tree Today
Thank you for growing with us,
1. EARTHDAY.ORG: https://www.earthday.org/campaign/the-canopy-project-sundarbans/