Hi John, Today, I feel hopeful. Energized. Ready for real change. Just a few days ago, I returned home from Washington, D.C., where I had the incredible opportunity of being a part of the national March for Life and meeting with national pro-life leaders. After decades of hard work, volunteering, protesting, praying, and providing support for moms and babies, we now live in a country where...
I want to share three personal takeaways from my time in D.C.:
I also want to thank you for the incredible things we've accomplished together:Participating in the March and hearing the incredible talks by people like Lila Rose and Vice President J.D. Vance was so motivating. It was also deeply energizing and encouraging to meet with pro-life leaders from National Right to Life Committee and Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America, who were so moved by hearing about the work that pro-life Oregonians are doing to protect the rights of the most vulnerable in a state as radical on this issue as ours. “This is really impressive," our national counterparts told us when I shared with them about the ways our staff, volunteers, pro-life partners, and ordinary Oregonians are engaging in the political sphere, distributing pro-life resource guides to abortion-vulnerable families, and spreading the pro-life message through year-round grassroots advocacy. "It's amazing you're able to accomplish this in a state like Oregon," they said. I felt so proud to share everything we have accomplished together as a pro-life movement in Oregon. The momentum has really picked up, and I feel so motivated and reinvigorated to advocate for life this year. I hope you do too. Today and always, I am so grateful to be a part of this incredible human rights movement with you. |