Hi Friend,
HUGE NEWS: Pennsylvanians have been bracing for skyrocketing energy bills, but Governor Shapiro just reached an agreement that will educe massive energy cost hikes! Please sign our petition to thank him for standing up for lower costs!
Here’s what’s happened. The organization that manages how energy moves from power producers to the utility companies that we rely on to power our homes has fallen horribly behind in approving hundreds of new energy projects – most of them clean energy like solar.
But in that time, our energy needs have been going up – a lot. This last summer was the hottest ever, and more air conditioners were running for more hours. There’s been a huge demand for energy to heat our homes this winter. But also, data centers are putting demands on our energy like we’ve never seen before. Data center load growth has tripled over the past decade and is projected to double or triple by 2028!1
When there’s not enough energy being produced to meet demand, one thing happens – prices go up.
That’s when Governor Shapiro stepped in. Last month, he filed a lawsuit to challenge PJM Interconnection, the regional grid operator, for letting hundreds of bids for new energy projects pile up.
Now, thanks to his leadership, PJM has agreed to cap costs that will save consumers more than $21 billion over the next two years. This agreement is a good first step towards preventing unnecessary price increases for 13 million Pennsylvanians and motivating PJM to approve its backlog of energy project applications.
Governor Shapiro got this done, and we need him to know that this is the kind of leadership we need – someone who’s looking out for all of us. Sign our petition to the governor to thank him for fighting for low energy costs and encourage him to keep pushing for long-term solutions. |