News & Action Update
Democrats on the move
May 27, 2020
Join Team Brynne to call your neighbors! All are welcome - no experience necessary, and there will be a brief training on Zoom before we begin.  
Connect to the California Democratic Party's virtual phone bank and help persuade residents in your county to complete the census.
No one can speak better to the issues your friends and family care about than YOU! So let's gather together, share best practices and reach out to our own lists of people we know. All are welcome and there's no easier way to get started than reaching out to those you know best! Read here for more information and to sign-up
You're invited to this lively conversation via Zoom. Bring your own cup of coffee or tea and join in the conversation with local candidates who are working to keep our democracy accountable to the the voters.
National Convention District-Level Caucuses
Congressional District Caucus: Online Voting Process
May 28th deadline to request ballot

If you are a registered Democrat in California, you have the opportunity to vote for delegates to the Democratic National Convention on behalf of the candidates.

California has 415 pledged delegates in total with each candidate being distributed the following delegates:
Bernie Sanders: 221
Joe Biden: 172
Elizabeth Warren: 12
Mike Bloomberg: 9
For Congressional District 4, the allocation is
Joe Biden: 3
Bernie Sanders: 2
To vote online in the District-Level Caucus you must REQUEST A BALLOT here by Thursday, May 28th at 5pm
Online ballots will be emailed to ballot requesters on June 5th. Submit your online ballot by the deadline of June 7th @ 5PM.

You can only vote in your district for your selected presidential candidate's pledged delegates.
You can only participate in one caucus (either voting for Joe Biden Delegates or Bernie Sanders Delegates).

Please contact Mike Saunders ( [email protected] ) Vice Chair, Membership and Education, if you have any further questions on this or the At-Large/PLEO delegate process.
PO Box 1126 • Diamond Springs, CA • 95619

Phone: 916-312-3008

FEC # C00483412 
FPPC# 781341