Electing More Pro-Family, Pro-Life, America First Conservatives!
Wednesday, January 29, 2025
To: Friends & Supporters
From: Gary Bauer

Sanctuary vs. Safety
Federal immigration agents carried out a significant enforcement operation throughout New York City yesterday. Really bad criminal aliens were apprehended, including members of the violent Venezuelan gang, Tren de Aragua, and several child molesters.
Some on the left seem surprised by the reaction of local residents in this “sanctuary city.” Grateful citizens came outside of their homes and thanked law enforcement for removing these thugs from their neighborhoods.
You won’t hear that on the evening news!
Instead, you’ll get the wailing and gnashing of teeth from the so-called “compassion industry” and “progressives.” They are in full attack mode because President Trump has removed a few thousand of the millions of illegal aliens Joe Biden allowed into our country.
Here’s what really infuriates me. A disgusting number of Catholic bishops and “progressive” Protestant ministers stand in their pulpits and tell their congregations: “Jesus loves migrants.”
They seem to think that ends the debate, as if followers of Jesus must tolerate massive lawbreaking by people who break into our country. They think you must pay to educate children who shouldn’t be in our schools and pay for the healthcare of illegal aliens when you’re struggling to pay for your own healthcare.
We can shake our heads at the National Cathedral’s leftist bishop, but this kind of sick distortion of Jesus is happening all over the country. They are turning the word of Christ into a suicide pact!
Far too many religious leaders seem to forget that Jesus loves the residents of those New York neighborhoods, too. President Trump just did a great thing for our fellow citizens. He is making their streets safer.
Thanks to Donald Trump, a mother in the Bronx doesn’t have to worry as much about her child being molested; a father in Queens can safely walk to work without being mugged or worse.
That’s compassion!
In related news, Secretary of Homeland Security Kristi Noem participated in yesterday’s immigration enforcement efforts. This morning, she announced that the “protected status” the Biden administration gave to more than 600,000 Venezuelans has been revoked so immigration officers can start deporting those who are criminal aliens.
I applaud the Trump/Vance administration for putting the safety of the American people first by enforcing our immigration laws. American Values, my non-profit public policy organization, will continue to work with our allies in the White House to enact commonsense border security policies.
Christ & Common Sense
Government was created by God to protect citizens and prevent anarchy. When the Jews went into Israel, the first nation-state God created, He commanded them to build a wall and build a temple.
“Progressive” religious leaders are abusing and distorting the gospel of Christ to promote policies that will cause the suicide of our great nation.
When Jesus says, “Blessed are the peacemakers,” does that mean He was upset when we went to war against Nazi Germany? Of course not!
When Jesus says, “Turn the other cheek,” does that mean we should just pray for the thug assaulting an old woman across the street and keep walking? No!
If we follow Christ’s teachings, it would bring us happier lives and a better country. If we follow the advice of today’s “religious left” and their version of Christianity, our country would be swallowed up by the most evil forces in the world.
Christians must stay in God’s word, and then use common sense and think wisely.
Trump Means Business
President Trump is taking a very businesslike approach to managing the federal bureaucracy. Only 6% of federal workers report to their offices every day. Many do not want to go to work five days a week.
So, Trump is offering a generous buyout offer to two million federal employees. This is what corporations do to lower their overhead.
The administration believes that as many as 200,000 bureaucrats may accept the “buyout.” This could save taxpayers tens of billions of dollars a year and shrink the size of government. That’s exactly the kind of thinking we need!
Lies Of The Left
Democrats freaked out after President Trump froze some federal spending yesterday. Reacting to Trump, they launched a massive disinformation campaign.
Trump did not freeze money for Medicare, Social Security, or school lunches. He merely instructed certain federal programs to ensure his policies are being followed before they send billions of dollars out the door.
But Democrats ran to the nearest microphone to scare the elderly, poor people, and sick people. It’s just another example of how evil the impulses of leftist leaders are. (See next item.)
It’s like Joe Biden telling black people they’ll be “back in chains” if Republicans win elections or that Trump praised neo-Nazis.
And where are the fact checkers now? They fact-checked everything Donald Trump said. But the “guardians of truth” are silent when Democrats claim kids won’t get school lunches. The most cursory examination would tell you that’s not true.
President Trump is trying to stop wasteful spending like $50 million to send condoms to Gaza. What?! You pay taxes so Hamas murderers can have safe sex? In what world does that get approved by a government agency?
The Democrats “won” this “round.” The propaganda they spewed resulted in the administration canceling the temporary freeze.
Truth & Lies
Donald Trump promised to tell us the facts about the mysterious drones flying over New Jersey once he was briefed. Yesterday we got them.
White House Press Secretary Karoline Leavitt told reporters that many of the drones belonged to hobbyists. She also revealed that there were drones “authorized to be flown by the FAA for research and various other reasons.”
Why didn’t the Biden administration just say that? Instead, they chose to mock concerned Americans as “conspiracy theorists” or idiots who couldn’t tell the difference between stars and drones.
Putting Children First
President Trump took action yesterday on one of the top priorities for American Values and the American people. He issued an executive order protecting children from chemical and surgical mutilation by prohibiting federal tax money for transgender procedures on minors.
President Trump declared that the “dangerous trend” of children undergoing these radical procedures “will be a stain on our nation’s history, and it must end.”
The order instructs federal agencies to “ensure that institutions [including medical schools and hospitals] receiving federal research or education grants end the chemical and surgical mutilation of children.” Federal agencies were also instructed to rescind all policies that rely on [World Professional Association for Transgender Health] guidance.”
Regardless of how the left-wing media distorts this order, it is not “controversial” or “divisive.” The American people overwhelmingly support President Trump’s commonsense position and reject imposing transgender insanity on children.
The battle is not over. Transgender ideology has permeated American culture.
For example, the Academy Awards feature five nominations for the best female actress. But one of the nominees is a man. You would think men wouldn’t be in the running for the women’s award. There is a separate category for best male actor.
Of course, it’s Hollywood, and they’re trying to make a point. But in the process, these so-called “progressives” are punishing women and depriving women of the recognition they deserve.
Kennedy Gets Grilled
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., testified today in the first of two confirmation hearings for his nomination to be secretary of Health and Human Services. In his opening statement and throughout the hearing, Kennedy repeatedly emphasized that he is not “anti-vaccine.”
He also directly addressed an issue that concerns some conservatives: abortion. Responding to questions on the issue, Kennedy made it clear that he will follow President Trump’s pro-life policies. He said:
“I agree with President Trump that every abortion is a tragedy. I agree with him that we cannot be a moral nation if we have 1.2 million abortions a year. . .
“President Trump has told me that he wants to end late-term abortions, he wants to protect conscience exemptions, and that he wants to end federal funding for abortions. . . I serve at the pleasure of the president. I’m going to implement his policies.” 
By the way, the Committee to Protect Health Care is leading the opposition to Kennedy’s nomination. The group claims to represent tens of thousands of doctors. It is nothing more than a far-left “astroturf” group. Its funding comes from a myriad of leftist foundations that are supported by people like George Soros and Bill Gates.
Accountability For Milley
Secretary of Defense Pete Hegseth has launched an investigation into the conduct of retired General Mark Milley, which could result in a demotion in rank. Hegseth also revoked Milley’s protection detail and his security clearance.
Let’s review some facts: 
  • Mark Milley was the top military officer during the disastrous retreat from Afghanistan. No one has been held accountable for that deadly mistake. 
  • He bragged about giving his communist Chinese military counterpart a “heads-up” regarding potential military actions by the United States. 
  • He plotted with Nancy Pelosi to usurp the authority of the commander-in-chief.


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