I stand firmly opposed to the Trump administration’s mass deportations.
We need real immigration solutions that keep families together, protect Dreamers, and recognize the vital contributions immigrants make to our economy. We do not need more hateful rhetoric and xenophobic policies.
For those in our community in fear, I want to reiterate that no matter your immigration status, you have rights. The Immigrant Legal Resource Center has created red cards, linked here ([link removed]) , to help assert your rights in the face of an ICE raid.
Me opongo firmemente a las deportaciones masivas del Presidente Trump.
Ahora más que nunca, se requieren soluciones que mantengan a nuestras familias unidas, protejan a Dreamers, y reconozcan las contribuciones vitales de los inmigrantes a nuestra economía. No necesitamos más discursos de odio y politicas xenófobicas.
No importa tu estatus migratorio, TU tienes derechos. El Immigrant Legal Resource Center (Centro de Recursos Legales para Inmigrantes) se ha encargado de crear tarjetas rojas con información sobre tus derechos, en caso de una redada de ICE. Si gusta imprimirla y compartirla, dirijase a este enlace. ([link removed])
Con la frente en alto,
Paid for by Stand with Sanchez
Stand with Sánchez
PO BOX 4006
Whittier, CA 90607
United States
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Congresswoman Linda Sánchez has dedicated her life to improving the community where she grew up and making Southern California a better place to live and work for generations to come. If you do not wish to receive emails about her campaign, please unsubscribe: [link removed]
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