Instead of defending Dominic Cummings, here’s what Boris Johnson should be saying to you and to all of us this week.
We'll say it instead:
THANK YOU for the huge personal sacrifices that you’ve made and are still making at this incredibly difficult time.
Thank you for not seeing friends and family when it’s so very hard to go against your instincts to see them.
Thank you for not breaking the rules, thank you for knowing we are all connected in a society and we have to look out for one another.
Thank you for respecting NHS staff and care staff and the difficult job they have to do. Thank you for not making that job even harder.
Thank you for saving lives, for putting others first.
And here’s what we want to add to YOU in particular:
THANK YOU for going the extra mile to defend our NHS.
Your efforts in defending our NHS make all our campaigning possible. Every petition you sign. Every action you take. Every donation you make. Every time you spread the word.
We literally couldn’t do this work without you.
Here are a few ways your actions have made a difference recently.
Today George Monbiot’s article in the Guardian highlights our groundbreaking new report on the role of privatisation in PPE shortages. This substantial piece of work just couldn't have happened without the regular donations so many of you make. One supporter has described this report as 'a tinderbox waiting to explode'. What's happened with PPE is truly scandalous and we're going to keep shouting about it. George also talks about why we need a publicly owned National Care Service and the need to defend our NHS in the Trade Bill from US companies who are "aggressively demanding access to the NHS".
Last week, thanks to you, Conservative MPs were rattled at the Trade Bill's second reading. They'd clearly got the message from thousands of you - our NHS needs to be fully protected in legislation. This campaign is made possible by your donations.
Despite lockdown, your online activity is spreading the word - we're growing fast, getting press coverage and helping to expose the role of companies like Deloitte and Serco in the new corona-contracts.