Mises Institute
Wednesday, January 29, 2025
How Austrian Economists Repeatedly Saved Civilization
Jorge Besada
When it seemed central Europe would succumb to the terrors of Bolshevism, Ludwig von Mises wrote his classic book, Socialism, convincing fellow Austrians that socialism was destructive.
There Is No Such Thing as “Settled Law”
Ryan McMaken
No matter how the court rules on birthright citizenship (or anything else), it certainly won’t be the “last word” on the matter, and nothing is decided beyond the short term.
The Problem with “Birthright Citizenship”
The modern interpretation of birthright citizenship is highly debatable.
Bitcoiners’ Guide to Austrian Economics
Is bitcoin money? According to Austrian economics, the answer is “no.” At least not yet.
The Rise of “History by Theory”
How should we approach the study of history? An unfortunate trend has been to implement “history by theory” in which practitioners take theories and present them as facts.
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The Myth of Long and Variable Time Lags
It’s obvious that a new influx of money will not immediately bring about changes in enough prices to significantly alter a price index. Even so, there are immediate effects of the new money.
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New Boss Is Nothing like the Old Boss
What a week! While the Trump administration has several issues for concern, there are some wins for liberty: Ross Ulbricht released, pardons for J6 offenders, declassified files, and more.
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How Court Historians Turn Political Villains into Heroes
“In return for power, positions, and money, intellectuals persuade the majority that their government is good, wise, and at least inevitable.”
Mises in America
The great essayist and economist, William H. Peterson, pens a tribute to his colleague and teacher. In this monograph, he describes Mises’s temperament and personality, as well as his scholarly contributions—all in Peterson’s legendary style. It is a fascinating portrait and moving tribute to a master.
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