Northern Ireland is "Dying" as Official Report Predicts Largest Decrease in Child Population

Hi John,

Precious Life exposed the devastating consequences of abortion on a country after an official report predicted that Northern will have the largest decrease in the population of children.

The number of children killed by abortion since 2020 is more than 8,490. 

A report published on Tuesday from the Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency (NISRA) forecast that Northern Ireland’s population will begin to decline over the next few years due to a low birth rate. Among the UK's constituent parts, Northern Ireland is projected to experience the largest drop in its child population.  

NISRA predicts that within just six years, deaths will outnumber births annually—a trend expected to continue in the decades ahead. Any population increase after 2031 would be solely due to migration. The projections indicate that by 2027, the number of pensioners will exceed the number of children. Meanwhile, the working-age population (those aged 16–64) is expected to start declining by mid-2028. And by 2047, children will comprise less than one-sixth of the total population.  

In a statement to the media, Director of Precious Life Bernadette Smyth said, “Northern Ireland is literally dying. As Northern Ireland faces this depopulation crisis, babies continue to be killed here every day. The most recent official statistic for the number of abortions in Northern Ireland is 8,490 babies killed since 2020. This figure was released in May 2024, meaning the actual number is now even higher. 

 “The abortion law forced on Northern Ireland by Westminster in 2020 is one of the most extreme in the world, and this horrific killing of thousands of our children is supported by Sinn Fein, SDLP, Alliance Party, Green Party, PBP, and members of the UUP.

“Killing our children is, first and foremost, evil. But in addition to its moral implications, it also exacerbates our already declining birth rates, leading to serious economic and social consequences. The 'replacement level' is the rate at which a population sustains itself across generations. When birth rates fall below this level, this means we are a dying civilization.

“The politicians who support killing our babies must be voted out of office. We desperately need politicians who will introduce measures to reverse this depopulation crisis and boost the number of babies being born. Mothers should be exempt from paying income tax for life. Additional financial support, including extra payments and benefits, must be provided to mothers. Young couples should receive interest-free loans and housing subsidies. Incentives should be established to encourage families to have more children, including payments for each child born.”

Bernadette concluded, “Without pro-life and pro-family policies, Northern Ireland cannot survive. A nation that kills its children has no future”.

Our Street Outreach continues this Saturday (1 Feb). Come along join us for the afternoon as we be the 'voice for the unborn child' on the public streets of Northern Ireland.

And our Prayer Vigils continue at the Abortion Centres this coming week. You can join us for an hour or two as we pray for the protection of mothers and their unborn babies.

Give us a all us 02890278484 or email [email protected]

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