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Will Lankford Stop Anti-Vaccine RFK Jr’s Confirmation?
I will be honest with you…I doubt it.
I have learned to not expect much from Senator Lankford. I’m asking this question because some of Oklahoma’s most rabid anti-vaccine advocates are marshaling a pressure campaign against him. They are worried that, RFK Jr., their champion of conspiracies, might not be confirmed by a group of wealthy Republicans who regularly use the best health care in the world.
Senate Republicans will almost certainly continue to allow Trump’s billionaire pals to pilfer the best our country has to offer, while prescribing the rest of us bleach and horse dewormer.
But, we ought to join the fray. Call Sen. Lankford’s office, (202) 224-5754, to ask why someone who has scorned all the best modern medicine has to offer, should be in charge of our health?
I’ll leave you with a few things that I would like to see Sen. Lankford ask RFK Jr. in the upcoming hearing:
1. After your 2019 visit to American Samoa, where you lied about the safety of vaccines and stoked disinformation, there was a measles outbreak that killed 83 people [[link removed]] . Today, Oklahoma is #1 in the nation for Flu Activity. Why should Oklahomans look to you to protect them from infectious diseases?
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1. In 2012 during divorce proceedings, you told a court that you had significant cognitive issues as a result of a brain parasite. You claimed that your short and long term memory loss would adversely affect your earning potential. [[link removed]] Why does President Trump believe you are the best candidate to administer the largest grant-making agency in the government?
2. One of your central arguments that resonates with many Americans is that money has had a corrupting influence on our medical system. But, you hid that you were paid over $1.2 million dollars for lying about vaccines. [[link removed]] So why should Americans trust you to take on the big monied interests that are profiting from American illness?
Alas, this is what responsible oversight would look like. While my questions probably won’t be asked, it is crucial that we remind Sen. Lankford that he works for Oklahomans, not President Trump.
With Defiance, [[link removed]]
Lauren Craig
Interim Executive Director, Oklahoma Democratic Party
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