Common Cause believes nobody should have to choose between their health and their vote...

Friend, President Trump’s re-election effort has just majorly escalated its attacks on safe and secure voting for this November. We need your help to set the record straight.

You see, election officials in states like Nevada, West Virginia, and Georgia have taken one important, common-sense step to keep people safe during this pandemic -- sending an absentee ballot (or application) to every registered voter.

But yesterday, President Trump tweeted out misinformation about another state that’s doing this -- California -- just two days after the RNC sued to block those applications from going out. [1] His tweet was so erroneous that it forced Twitter to add a disclaimer calling his claims “unsubstantiated” -- but that won’t likely deter Trump. [2]

Sadly, this won't be the last time we’ll see this two-pronged attack on voting rights. Trump will keep using his bully pulpit to muddy the waters against voting reforms -- then his party will back him up with a multi-million dollar legal assault. [3]

But they can’t change the facts. Vote-by-mail is a paper-based system that’s not hackable -- and can easily be audited to ensure the election results are correct. [4] That’s why it’s hugely popular among the Republican and Democratic officials who are actually administering our elections. [5]

And even though Donald Trump has been able to vote by mail [6] -- he doesn't believe other Americans should be able to. It’s the behavior of a President who’s more interested in playing political games than ensuring every eligible American can vote safely, fairly, and accessibly.

Common Cause believes nobody should have to choose between their health and their vote. We’re working coast-to-coast -- using our decades of expertise to help implement necessary changes fairly, equitably, and effectively, while keeping the public informed.

And, we’re holding platforms like Twitter accountable when Trump or anyone else uses them to spread disinformation. We expect them to enforce their rules against voter-suppression content and take down demonstrably false tweets -- even if it’s the President making them.

It’s thanks to the financial support of ordinary, concerned Americans like you that we’re able to make it happen. So, if you’re able to, you can make a major impact for voters today with your 2020 Voting Rights contribution. Can you chip in $3?

YES, I'll Chip In $3!

Friend, this will be a difficult -- but necessary fight -- and it’s one we’re ready to take on. I’m proud to report that thanks to your support, Common Cause’s state action teams are leading these efforts across the country.

Thanks for all you do,

Sylvia Albert, Director of Voting and Elections
and the team at Common Cause


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