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Robert Reich
January 24, 2025
The Guardian
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_ The forces of Trumpian repression and neofascism would like nothing
better than for us to give up. Then they’d win it all. But we cannot
allow them to. Protect the vulnerable, organize boycotts and keep
fighting. _
Strawberry pickers, photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash
In light of Trump II’s predictably cruel and bonkers beginning, many
people are asking: “What can I do _now_?” Here are 10
1. Protect the decent and hardworking members of your communities who
are undocumented or whose parents are undocumented
This is an urgent moral call to action. As Donald Trump
[[link removed]]’s Ice begins
roundups and deportations, many good people are endangered and
understandably frightened.
One of Trump’s new executive orders allows Ice to arrest
undocumented immigrants at or near schools, places of worship,
healthcare sites, shelters and relief centers – thereby deterring
them from sending their kids to school or getting help they need.
If you trust your mayor or city manager, check in with their offices
to see what they are doing to protect vulnerable families in your
community. Join others in voluntary efforts to keep Ice away from
schools, hospitals and shelters.
Organize and mobilize your community to support it as a sanctuary
city, and to support your state as a sanctuary state. Trump’s
justice department is already launching investigations of cities and
states that go against federal immigration orders, laying the
groundwork for legal challenges to local laws and forcing compliance
with the executive branch. Your voice and organizing could be helpful
in fighting back.
I recommend you order these red cards from Immigrant Legal Resource
Center and make them available in and around your community: Red
Cards / [[link removed]]_Tarjetas
Rojas [[link removed]]_ | Immigrant
Legal Resource Center | ILRC
[[link removed]]. You might also find
these of use: Immigration Preparedness Toolkit | Immigrant Legal
Resource Center | ILRC
[[link removed]].
2. Protect LGBTQ+ members of your community
Trump may make life far more difficult for those who are lesbian, gay,
bisexual, transgender, queer and of other expansive identities through
executive orders, changes in laws, alterations in civil rights laws or
changes in how such laws are enforced.
His election and his rhetoric might also unleash hatefulness by
bigoted people in your community.
I urge you to work with others in being vigilant against prejudice and
bigotry, wherever it might break out. When you see or hear it, call it
out. Join with others to stop it. If you trust your local city
officials, get them involved. If you trust your local police, alert
them as well.
3. Help protect officials in your community or state whom Trump and
his administration are targeting for vengeance
Some may be low-level officials, such as election workers. If they do
not have the means to legally defend themselves, you might help them
or consider a GoFundMe campaign. If you hear of anyone who seeks to
harm them, immediately alert law-enforcement officials.
Oligarchs are more visible than ever. That also makes them more
Jan-Werner Müller
4. Participate or organize boycotts of companies that are enabling the
Trump regime, starting with Elon Musk’s X and Tesla, and any
companies that advertise on X or on Fox News
Don’t underestimate the effectiveness of consumer boycotts.
Corporations invest heavily in their brand names and the goodwill
associated with them. Loud, boisterous, attention-getting boycotts can
harm brand names and reduce the prices of corporations’ shares of
5. To the extent you are able, fund groups that are litigating against
Much of the action over the next months and years will be in the
federal courts. The groups initiating legislation that I know and
trust include the American Civil Liberties Union
[[link removed]], Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in
Washington [[link removed]], the Center for
Biological Diversity
[[link removed]], the
Environmental Defense Fund
[[link removed]] and Common
[[link removed]].
6. Spread the truth
Get news through reliable sources, and spread it. If you hear anyone
spreading lies and Trump propaganda, including local media, contradict
them with facts and their sources.
Here are some of the sources I currently rely on for the truth: the
Guardian, [[link removed]] Democracy Now
[[link removed]], Business Insider
[[link removed]],_ _the New Yorker
[[link removed]],_ _the American Prospect
[[link removed]],_ _Americans for Tax Fairness,
[[link removed]] the Economic Policy Institute
[[link removed]], the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities
[[link removed]], ProPublica
[[link removed]], Labor Notes
[[link removed]], the Lever
[[link removed]], Popular Information
[[link removed]], Heather Cox Richardson
[[link removed]] and, of course,_ _my
Substack [[link removed]].
7. Urge friends, relatives and acquaintances to avoid Trump propaganda
outlets such as Fox News, Newsmax, X and, increasingly, Facebook and
They are increasingly filled with hateful bigotry and toxic and
dangerous lies. For some people, these propaganda sources can also be
addictive; help the people you know wean themselves off them.
8. Push for progressive measures in your community and state
Local and state governments have significant power. Join groups that
are moving your city or state forward, in contrast to regressive moves
at the federal level. Lobby, instigate, organize and fundraise for
progressive legislators. Support progressive leaders.
9. Encourage worker action
Most labor unions are on the right side – seeking to build worker
power and resist repression. You can support them by joining picket
lines and boycotts, and encouraging employees to organize in places
you patronize.
10. Keep the faith. Do not give up on America
Remember, Trump won the popular vote by only one and a half points. By
any historical measure, this was a squeaker. In the House, the
Republicans’ five-seat lead is the smallest since the Great
Depression. In the Senate, Republicans lost half of 2024’s
competitive Senate races, including in four states Trump won.
America has deep problems, to be sure. Which is why we can’t give up
on it – or give up the fights for social justice, equal political
rights, equal opportunity and the rule of law. The forces of Trumpian
repression and neofascism would like nothing better than for us to
give up. Then they’d win it all. But we cannot allow them to.
We will never give up.
What is giving me hope now
Finding room in life for joy, fun and laughter. We cannot let Trump
and his darkness take over. Just as it’s important not to give up
the fight, it’s critically important to take care of ourselves. If
we obsess about Trump and fall down the rabbit hole of outrage, worry
and anxiety, we won’t be able to keep fighting.
_Robert Reich, a former US secretary of labor, is professor of public
policy at the University of California at Berkeley_
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* Robert Reich
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* neofascism
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* Immigrants
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