From Governor Janet Mills <[email protected]>
Subject Governor Mills: Coming Together to Pass a Balanced Budget Will Be Hard Work -- But We've Done It Before
Date January 29, 2025 2:36 AM
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January 28, 2025

"Governor makes strong case for her balanced biennial budget proposal which continues core commitments to Maine people and makes Free Community College permanent"

During her State of the Budget Address tonight, Governor Janet Mills urged lawmakers to do the hard work and to make the tough fiscal decisions needed to balance the state's budget.

Maine, like many states across the nation, is facing a tight fiscal environment as revenues have leveled off while costs have increased. The Governor's budget addresses this by proposing a mix of program changes, spending cuts, and targeted revenue increases while preserving core commitments to Maine people, like health care, 55 percent of education, free school meals, and five percent municipal revenue sharing.

"I am pleased to say that Maine is in better shape than many other states, but we have work to do to enact a balanced budget as required by the Maine Constitution, one that that provides stability, one that protects public safety, one that preserves a basic social safety net, and one that promotes the continued growth of our economy," *said Governor Mills*. "That work will be hard, but we've done it before."

"No matter what, I ask this Legislature to join me in putting the people of Maine first. The people we serve -- they think for themselves, they take care of their neighbors, and they stand together when things get tough, regardless of their differences. And so can we," *the Governor said*.

In her remarks, the Governor acknowledged that lawmakers are feeling the same frustration her Administration felt in putting the budget together, saying that she, too, does not like having to cut programs or raise revenues. But she pointed out that her proposal attempts to limit the impact on Maine people by focusing on programs that have not been implemented or on targeted revenues that are not broad-based, will affect fewer Maine people, and will have a public health benefit.

"I have to tell you: it's not been fun or easy to put this budget together -- something you are beginning to understand. And, again, over all of this is the unpredictability of the federal government whose actions may directly affect our state appropriations and expenditures and the welfare of Maine people," *the Governor continued*.

The Governor called on lawmakers to not draw lines in the sand, but to come together to do the hard work of putting specific ideas on the table and negotiating in good faith to reach a bipartisan agreement.

"Look, to my Democratic friends, I know you don't want to see programs cut. I know many of you would prefer to see us raise more money through tax increases to avoid any reductions whatsoever. But you also know your Republican colleagues on the other side of the aisle don't want to do that," *she continued*. "To my Republican friends, some of you say you don't want to raise revenues -- even in a targeted way. I know you would prefer to cut more programs to bridge the gap and avoid any and all tax increases. But you also know your Democratic colleagues on the other side of the aisle generally don't want to do that."

"It is easy to stand in front of a TV camera and say "No". It is easy to fire off a social media post and to feel good as the "Likes" roll in...But it is harder to do the work of sitting around the table -- or the horseshoe -- putting forward your own ideas, hearing what folks on all sides have to say, and then coming to consensus to enact balanced public policy," *she continued*. "Whether you are a Democrat, a Republican, or an Independent -- that's how I hope you approach these conversations: in good faith, with good ideas, with civility, with an open mind to the views of others, and, ultimately, with the commitment and the courage to make hard choices."

The budget provides important additional funding for health care for Maine people through MaineCare (Medicaid), as well as investments in child welfare, children's behavioral health services, nursing facility rate reform, mobile crisis response, and public safety. It makes permanent her Free Community College initiative and continues her successful Mobile Home Preservation Fund -- which has helped save the homes of hundreds of Maine people over the past year -- as well as addiction treatment programs in Maine's County Jails.

It rejects broad-based tax changes, such as any increase to Maine's income or sales tax, and it does not draw from Maine's near record high Budget Stabilization Fund, achieved under the Governor.

Instead, it successfully closes the budget gap by utilizing newly recognized revenues [ [link removed] ] from the independent, nonpartisan Revenue Forecasting Committee; making targeted programmatic reductions; and raising revenues, primarily through a $1.00 increase in Maine's cigarette excise tax and corresponding increases to the excise tax on other tobacco-related products, which has a proven public health benefit.

The Governor concluded by praising Maine and its people.

"Let's use this session to protect those things that make us special and keep our state on a stable fiscal course. When we hear anger and acrimony, we should remember the words of our old friend Dave Mallett, who told us that things -- especially things in Maine -- are 'Better than That'," *she continued*. "...We have demonstrated in the past that Democrats, Republicans, and Independents can put their heads together and get good results. I am ready to work with you in the coming months on a budget that is balanced, that is fiscally responsible, that strengthens our economy and that lifts up our greatest asset of all: the people of Maine."

A complete copy of the Governor's State of the Budget Address, as prepared for delivery, is available (PDF) [ [link removed] ].

Read more about the Governor's budget proposal [ [link removed] ].

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