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It’s been almost three months since voters elected Justice Allison Riggs to serve another term on the North Carolina Supreme Court.
But as we write this, her victory still remains in limbo, turning the entire saga into a flash point for democracy in America. Let’s review the facts:
Justice Riggs won re-election by 734 votes. Two recounts confirmed that victory. But in December, her opponent filed a challenge to throw out 60,000 ballots — a hail-mary attempt to overturn the results. Keep in mind: There’s nothing wrong with these ballots. The voters who cast them followed all the rules. (Riggs’ opponent just doesn’t like those rules.)
Then, in an unbelievable turn of events, the state supreme court blocked the certification of Justice Riggs’ election while her opponent’s legal challenge proceeds. Just last week, the court refused to fast-track the case, which means we might not have a certified winner for months. Justice Riggs will remain in her seat while this plays out, but there is still a real threat that her fairly won election may get overturned, and tens of thousands of voters may get disenfranchised.
Attorney General Holder summed up what’s happening here pretty bluntly:
North Carolina Republicans are trying to destroy democracy in the state.
They try to put in place on party rule cause they don’t think they can legitimately get enough votes to win fair elections.
So they cheat.
North Carolina was already a poster child of how far extreme partisans are willing to go. In 2022, a new conservative majority in the state supreme court reversed the court’s own recent ruling, throwing out a map that had produced a 50-50 partisan balance among their congressional districts. And with new gerrymandered maps passed by the legislature in effect in November, Republicans won 10 of 14 seats in this purple state.
For these extreme legislators, this latest supreme court race is about winning and holding on to power at all costs. And let’s be clear: This isn’t just about North Carolina. You better believe that anti-democratic forces across the country are watching what happens closely. If the courts invalidate legally cast ballots in this race, people are going to run this playbook anywhere and everywhere — looking to throw out votes they don’t like wherever they can.
The central premise of democracy — every vote counts — is under attack in North Carolina. The way we respond right now matters. All On The Line is moving fast to mobilize grassroots activists in North Carolina and all over the country to fight back with everything we’ve got.
Will you rush a donation today to fund this critical work to defend our democracy nationwide from those who are willing to destroy it in the pursuit of power? → [link removed]
More soon — for now, thank you for all you do to fight for democracy when it matters most.
All On The Line
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