Our taxes, our priorities! Tell Donald Trump: Do NOT cut federal aid!
Dear MoveOn member,
Yesterday, President Donald Trump issued a catastrophic memo ordering a pause in all federal grants and loans starting today at 5:00 p.m. ET, giving barely 24 hours for states, organizations, and local officials to respond, leaving them scrambling to interpret the vague directive.
If not stopped, this memo could be devastating for people in the U.S. and globally—disrupting public services, eroding infrastructure and safety nets, and impacting jobs.
Children and families across the country could suffer with the future of school breakfast programs; food benefits like the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) and Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC); child care block grants; and housing vouchers in jeopardy.1
Not to mention how the memo could impact funding for public education, roads, and transportation. Health care programs and funding for Medicaid, cancer research, and suicide hotlines are also at risk.2,3 Multiple states are already reporting trouble accessing the portal used to manage Medicaid spending.4
Even temporary pauses or freezes could dramatically reshape our social safety nets and public services—and already people are worried that these changes could become permanent.
Members in Congress like Senator Patty Murray and Representative Rosa DeLauro of Connecticut are sounding the alarm, warning that the scope of what Trump has proposed is "unprecedented" and "will have devastating consequences across the country."5 Let's be clear—this directive is straight out of Project 2025, the unpopular extremist manifesto that Trump repeatedly distanced himself from during his campaign and said he wouldn't enact.6,7 Suddenly cutting essential aid for seniors, children, and families and putting people's jobs at risk is a cruel, heartless demonstration of power and is a betrayal to everyone, no matter where they live or whom they voted for.
Trump and his wealthy friends won't be impacted by slashes to federal aid. This is just another political stunt to them. But for everyday people, stunts like this are devastating. It's unacceptable for the people we trust and elect into office to play politics with the social safety nets we rely on.
It's not a coincidence that—despite tens of billions of dollars at stake—the two-page memo was vaguely written and issued as a surprise, with little notice or time to respond. Trump's game plan since Day 1 has been to create chaos. He wants to see what he can get away with.
But millions of Americans rely on the programs disrupted by this memo, and we all benefit when our schools are funded, roads are maintained, and communities cared for. We will not allow our neighbors to fall through the cracks created by this administration. We are ready to fight back.
Thanks for all you do.
–Nakia, Kelly, Mona, Aliya, and the rest of the team
P.S. No matter who you are, or where you live: Your senators NEED to hear from you NOW. After you sign the petition, call 1-844-328-9232 to fight back for the safety of all of our communities and families.
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