Every gift you make to No Kid Hungry supports the life-changing work of teachers, parents and community leaders who go the extra mile to ensure that kids are fed.
All of us know someone in our own lives and communities who is making a difference. And today, we’re giving you a special early-access opportunity to honor them:
When you make a yearly recurring donation to No Kid Hungry in honor of a difference-maker today, every gift will be MATCHED by The Brighter Futures Fund. We’ve set a goal to receive 300 gifts from generous people like you. Will you make a yearly recurring gift to have it DOUBLED in honor of a difference-maker in your life?
Your gift will support the work of people who are changing the lives of children every day by ensuring they have the food they need to thrive.
This includes teachers like Ms. Brown and Ms. Ramirez — teachers in a dual-language classroom, who have seen firsthand the difference that school breakfast has made on their students’ academic performance.
It matters that students eat breakfast in the morning. We can make sure that they're actually eating, especially if we know that they're struggling at home or they don't have the opportunity to have breakfast in the morning. They can be alert, wide awake and focused. — Ms. Ramirez