Mises Institute
Tuesday, January 28, 2025
Education: Where Liberty Is Winning Some Important Battles
Henry Lever
Despite efforts by elites to promote state-sponsored education, people are revolting against the statist model. From private schools to home schooling and other alternatives, people have not forgotten that liberty and learning fit well together.
Joe Biden’s Failed Foreign Policy Legacy
Aaron Sobczak
Not only was Joe Biden a failed president domestically, but he also was a failure in his foreign policy. From sending troops to Haiti, to the Ukraine war, to conflict in the Middle East, Biden never missed an opportunity to make a bad situation worse.
The Snow Storm, the Price of Beef, and the Upcoming Conference in Tampa
Mark Thornton appears on Freedom Works! with Paul Molloy.
“Personnel Is Policy” Means the Rule of Law Is Dying
Talk about new bureaucrats is beginning to resemble the Kremlinology of the Cold War.
“Landman” vs. the Environmentalists
While TV commentators are wagging their fingers at the fossil fuel industry, Taylor Sheridan has provided a different point of view with “Landman.”
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What Happens in a Mixed Economy?
There is always the choice between the market principle and the hegemonic principle. There is no third way or middle ground between the two, often presented as a “mixed economy.”
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TikTok Ban Makes US More Like China
The recent back-and-forth on banning TikTok because it’s said to be a “Chinese company” risks the US ironically becoming even more like China.
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Economic Cycles Before the Fed
Tom Woods presented this lecture at Mises University 2011.
Mises in America
The great essayist and economist, William H. Peterson, pens a tribute to his colleague and teacher. In this monograph, he describes Mises’s temperament and personality, as well as his scholarly contributions—all in Peterson’s legendary style. It is a fascinating portrait and moving tribute to a master.
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