From Nick Matuszewski <[email protected]>
Subject Will State Lawmakers Do the Right Thing?
Date January 28, 2025 5:52 PM
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Hello John, [link removed] [[link removed]]
Last week, we returned to the Capitol for the annual State of the State address. Governor Evers dedicated more of his speech to the urgent need for stronger gun laws than to any other issue. This unwavering focus sends a clear signal: Preventing gun violence is a top priority [[link removed]] for our state’s executive branch.
What remains to be seen is whether our state legislature will cooperate. While we know many lawmakers stand beside us, others are already showing resistance. That’s why we need you now. Help us send a strong message to lawmakers – gun violence urgently needs to be addressed. We will only succeed through the power of our collective voices. [[link removed]]
Governor Evers named 2025 “The Year of the Kid.” Let’s honor the request of one of our youth leaders and help create a safer future by preventing gun violence . [[link removed]]
Thank you,
Nick Matuszewski
------------Forwarded Message---------------
Sender: Dakota (from WAVE Educational Fund)
Date: January 21, 2025
Subject: Keep the Momentum Going, John!
Hi John, [link removed] [[link removed]]
As the Vice President of WAVE’s Youth Advisory Board, I knew 2025 could be a good year for gun violence prevention in Wisconsin. Sure enough, the Governor got us started in a huge way last week by announcing the creation of a state Office of Violence Prevention. WAVE has been advocating for this for several years, so it’s a massive win – and getting to speak at the event still feels surreal!
[[link removed]] Now it’s time for our state legislature to join Governor Evers in prioritizing gun violence prevention. Tell your lawmakers now to make this one of their top priorities during this legislative session [[link removed]] - I promise it only takes a minute to send the email.
As a high schooler, the issue of gun violence is never far from my mind. The shooting at Abundant Life Christian School was one of dozens of school shootings that occurred in 2024, and reminded us that this can happen anywhere. I’m truly sorry that so many students, staff, and families were affected.
I'll contact my legislators now! [[link removed]]
Gun violence is now the leading cause of death for kids and teens in Wisconsin, and these deaths are entirely preventable. Places that should be safe—schools, homes, neighborhoods—have become places of fear.
Today, I’m hopeful. The creation of a state Office of Violence Prevention will save lives. However, this is just the beginning. We need the legislature to fund violence prevention programs and pass common-sense gun safety laws [[link removed]] like an extreme risk law and expanded background checks. With fairer maps and engaged voters, Wisconsin is ready for meaningful change. Contact your lawmakers now to demand that they act. [[link removed]]
This last week, we’ve celebrated progress. Now, we keep working, because every child and every community in Wisconsin deserves to live free from the fear of gun violence.
WAVE Youth Advisory Board Vice President
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Wisconsin Anti-Violence Effort
P.O. Box 170393
Milwaukee, WI 53217
United States
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