Salmon recovery planning grant applications due March 31; Pre-application workshop online Feb. 11
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january 28, 2025
*Funding available*
Apply now for $1 million in salmon recovery planning grants
The Department of Commerce, in collaboration with the Puget Sound National Estuary Program and the Stormwater Strategic Initiative Lead, are offering salmon recovery planning grants to local governments and tribes in the Puget Sound. These funds aim to advance the governor’s salmon recovery strategy and align with the Strategic Initiative Leads’ priorities.
Approximately *$1 million* in grant funding is available to cities and counties both fully and partially planning under the Growth Management Act, and federally recognized tribes in the Puget Sound.
*Application information*
Grant application instructions [ [link removed] ]
[ [link removed] ]Grant application [ [link removed] ] (Smartsheet intake form)
Salmon Recovery Grant FAQ [ [link removed] ]
*Applications due:* *4 p.m. Monday, March 31, 2025*
VIEW ONLINE [ [link removed] ]
Pre-application virtual workshop
*10:30 a.m. – 12 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 11, 2025*
Commerce is hosting a pre-application workshop to provide more information about this grant opportunity and how to apply. Attendance is not required apply for funding.
Workshop registration is REQURED
*Register to attend [ [link removed] ]*
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