From AIPAC <[email protected]>
Subject Hezbollah’s Useful Idiots
Date January 28, 2025 2:23 PM
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Sir or Madam,

In a resurfaced interview that should be terrifying to Americans, a Hezbollah leader said that the terrorist organization &ldquo;relies&rdquo; on the college students &ldquo;demonstrating in support of Palestine&rdquo; and encourages terrorists to &ldquo;&hellip;invest in these Western students. We need to enter the heart of Western societies.&rdquo;

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Just this week, keffiyeh-clad anti-Israel extremists stormed into an Israeli history class at Columbia University, handing out propaganda flyers glorifying Hamas, depicting the Star of David being crushed, and promising violence.

"THE ENEMY WILL NOT SEE TOMORROW,&rdquo; one of the leaflets read, showing a truck full of Hamas terrorists with RPGs and machine guns.

Another said, "CRUSH ZIONISM," showing the Star of David underneath a boot, while a third showed a burning Israeli flag and said, "BURN ZIONISM TO THE GROUND."

These anti-Israel radicals are more than just Hezbollah&rsquo;s useful idiots &ndash; they are actively working to indoctrinate Americans against the Jewish state and cut off U.S. support for our democratic ally.

We need to stand up to them. YOU need to stand up to them.
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The mission of AIPAC is to encourage and persuade the U.S. government to enact specific policies that create a strong, enduring and mutually beneficial relationship with our ally Israel.

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