John, we’re less than a month into the new year and we’re already tracking 30 new Article V Convention bills across the country.
And with only six states standing between you, me, and the Article V plot to gut our Constitution, we can't afford to lose any ground – so we'll have to go all in to stop every single call for Article V this year with a powerful, multi-state response only Common Cause can deliver.
You might have already seen my messages on the dangers of the Article V plot, but in case you haven’t here’s a quick recap:
The Article V Convention is a secretive plot funded by millions in right-wing dark money from the likes of the Kochs and Mercers.
Their endgame? Give megadonors and corporations free rein to radically reshape our Constitution against the will of the people – writing far-right policy goals directly into our Constitution while gutting rights like free speech, the right to protest, and our right to privacy.
The conspirators behind Article V already have plans to pass calls for a convention in the last states they need to succeed. Common Cause won’t let them win – but we need to pull out all the stops to prepare for the calls to come this year.
I know this all sounds overwhelming, but here’s the good news: Common Cause has a proven track record in rolling back and stopping Article V bills – protecting the rights you and I care about.
With your help, we’ve stopped dozens of new calls for a convention each year in states across the country. And we're playing offense too! We’ve successfully rescinded existing convention calls in New Jersey, Illinois, Colorado, New Hampshire, Delaware, New Mexico, Maryland, and Oregon – meaning that if Common Cause hadn’t acted, we’d be just one or two states from going off the Article V cliff.
We’re preparing to urgently ramp up our state-by-state organizing strategy to STOP this far-right power grab – in any state it rears its ugly head. But we can’t continue this fight without you, John.
I can’t lie to you, this is going to be an uphill battle. We’re up against deep pockets and powerful special interests. That means we must bring everything we’ve got to this fight to protect our rights. And we’re going to need your help.
We urgently need to ramp up our strategy to stop Article V. Can I count on you to chip in $3 or more and stop extremists from gutting our Constitutional rights?
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We must not – and will not – let these extremists rewrite our Constitution. Please let me know we can count on you to side with us in this fight by making your gift today.
Thank you,
Viki Harrison, Director of Constitutional Convention & Protect Dissent Programs
and the team at Common Cause
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