Building a Stronger MCB Together Message from the New Secretary General
Asalaam Alaykum Warahmatullahi Wa barakatuhu
I am honoured to write to you as the newly elected Secretary-General of the Muslim Council of Britain. In my inaugural speech last weekend, I outlined my commitment to transformative change within our organisation and communities, emphasising the need to unite, empower and serve.
As detailed in my address, the MCB requires fundamental reform — what I termed 'open heart surgery' — to meet the evolving needs of British Muslim communities. We are embarking on this journey of change immediately, starting with a comprehensive root-and-branch review of our organisation.
Central to this transformation is Vision 2050, our ambitious roadmap for British Muslim communities.
However, before we move forward, I am keen to listen. We will be launching an unprecedented nationwide consultation to hear from every corner of our rich and diverse British Muslim communities.
I am deeply humbled by the trust placed in me and must acknowledge the groundbreaking leadership of my predecessor, Zara Mohammed. I look forward to working alongside our new Deputy Secretary-General, Maswood Ahmed, to implement these vital changes. The remaining executive team positions will be confirmed by the National Council in the coming weeks.
Together, we can build an MCB that truly serves its communities and country.
I request you all to make duaa for myself, the team, and the wider Ummah as we attempt to change what is within ourselves so that Allah may change our situation.
Dr Wajid Akhter Secretary-General
Muslim Council of Britain