Dear Friend,
As the weather gets warmer and we emerge from the most challenging spring our state has faced in many years, I am pleased to report that our office continues to deliver results for Rhode Islanders.
Here are a few recent announcements:
The Rhode Island pension system outperformed 95% of public pensions in the country during the Covid-19 market decline. Our Back to Basics investment strategy saved the state hundreds of millions of dollars, preserving retirement security for tens of thousands of Rhode Islanders.
After passing the Rhode Island Student Loan Bill of Rights, in conjunction with the Attorney General’s Office we launched a new Student Loan Borrower Protection website to provide Rhode Islanders with the tools they need to pay down their student loans and deal effectively with loan companies.
To help Rhode Islanders during Covid-19, we have launched a series of virtual town halls. Our next town hall is focused on helping parents manage the Covid-19 crisis. Join us Wednesday, June 3rd at 5:30 PM for Parenting During Covid-19, featuring Dr. Emily Oster. You can register here.
The Office of the General Treasurer remains fully operational, and I remain personally committed to doing everything possible to assist Rhode Islanders who are struggling during the Covid-19 crisis. Together, we will get through this.
- Seth

Magaziner for Treasurer
PO Box 303
Providence RI 02901 United States
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