We're re-sending this important action because our partners are about to do a big push in the media, and we've currently sent around 280,000 messages to Congress. Can you sign our petition against USPS privatization and help get that total over 300,000?
If you've already signed, please forward this to a few friends who don't want to our country sold for parts. Thank you --Social Security Works
The very same people who have been trying for decades to privatize Social Security have their sights on another prize: The United States Postal Service.
The USPS is so vital to our nation that it is authorized by the Constitution itself. But because it is a simple, universal service that millionaires and billionaires can’t extract wealth from, they want to dismantle it.
Donald Trump installed privatizer Louis DeJoy as Postmaster General in 2020, and stacked the USPS Board of Governors with loyalists who would back DeJoy’s every play―slowing service and jacking up prices.
Now, with Trump headed back to the White House, the privatizers are poised to strike, with the goal of selling off the crown jewel of American logistics for parts, making service worse for millions, and completely out of reach for Americans living in many rural areas.
Send a message to Congress now: Do not go along with any plan to privatize the USPS!
If Wall Street’s postal privatization scheme goes through, seniors will be harmed―and rural seniors will be harmed the most. But a huge part of the scheme is to lay off the 80,000+ union workers who sort and deliver mail.
Our coalition saved the Post Office when Trump tried to speed through privatization before. We then helped pass the Postal Service Reform Act in 2022, which corrected the senseless practices that George W. Bush passed, putting the USPS on uncertain financial footing. But, even with this improved financial footing, DeJoy has plowed ahead anyway with his cuts because the point was never to balance the USPS budget―it’s to destroy it.
This is the same dynamic behind every ounce of concern-trolling about Social Security’s actuarial balance. If we fix that, Wall Street’s allies would just trot out another excuse to get to their end goal: Extracting all of the wealth of America and putting it in the hands of a few plutocrats.
Send a message to Congress to demand that they FIGHT attempts to privatize our post office!
In solidarity,
Michael Phelan Social Security Works