Ah, Big Oil. The industry responsible for climate denialism and the most devastating environmental disasters in U.S. history.
Despite being one of the most profitable industries in human history, a percentage of every paycheck you’ve ever received has gone directly into Big Oil’s big, fat wallet.
Just try not to get angry when you read these stats:
* In 2020, the global fossil fuel industry received $11 million every minute.
* Big Oil receives more subsidies than any other fossil fuel sector.
* In 2023, according to the International Monetary Fund, the fossil fuel industry received $757 billion in direct and indirect tax subsidies from the U.S.
* Each year, the U.S. throws more money at the fossil fuel industry than we spend on Medicaid.
And yet I still have colleagues claiming those poor Big Oil execs deserve even more handouts.
To paraphrase something I once said on the House floor: “If you love pollution, if you hate capitalism, if you hate competitive American businesses, vote for the GOP.”
Since my very first day in Congress, I’ve been on a mission to find common-sense solutions to the climate crisis. And the bottom line is this: We need to stop subsidizing fossil fuel.
The fact that they can't compete on their economic merits against cleaner, cheaper alternatives gives us a powerful economic lever to drive change. Embrace free markets, not socialist corporate welfare.
That’s why I’m proud to tell you about the new bill I’m sponsoring, which would eliminate nearly a dozen of the most egregious tax breaks enjoyed by the oil and gas industry: the End Oil and Gas Tax Subsidies Act.
Our president and his Congressional minions are in the pocket of the big oil companies. That’s why I’m counting on our pro-science, pro-climate coalition to get this bill the attention it deserves. If you're with me, will you make your official pledge of support for the End Oil and Gas Tax Subsidies Act today? [[link removed]]
End Big Oil's Free Ride [[link removed]]
— Sean Casten
Casten for Congress
P.O. Box 132
Downers Grove, IL 60515-0132
United States
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