Mondays of Meaning

January 27th 2025 | Dr. Jordan B. Peterson
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In this week’s edition, I address the necessary involvement of judgment in the process of pursuing the ultimate ideal. Then, I talk with author, success coach, and public speaker Tony Robbins about the art of communication and the power behind mindset. From the archives, I revisit a segment from "The Gospels" series when we discuss Jesus' proclamation that He is the way, the truth, and the life. 


Do Not Sacrifice The Ideal

If everything is valuable, then everything is of equal value; that equal value would be zero because everything cannot be valuable. Put another way, nothing is valuable when everything is valuable. There must be a method of differentiating. There must be judgment. 

You want some things to be better than others. You want to be better tomorrow than you are today. An ultimate ideal — the ultimate you who you could be — involves judgment. You experience glimmerings of that when you are acting as your ideal self. Every time you are not, you feel guilty and ashamed. And while you may want to dispense with that, doing so would mean sacrificing the ideal. 

Just as you establish your own direction and separate away from what is unworthy of the ideal you, you can engage in the same methodology with those you love too. We see the ideal in other people we love, and we try to call that ideal forward. This is why I think it is better to love people for who they could be. Though you are unhappy with someone you love when they sacrifice their better self for their lower self, you accept their shortcomings and vulnerabilities; you accept those as a package. But be mindful: When you tell the truth, do so in a way that is not damaging.

A 10-part follow-up to the highly acclaimed Exodus series, Dr. Jordan B. Peterson conducts his third biblical lecture series titled, "The Gospels." As part of his lifelong effort to rescue society from the meaning crisis that seeks to devour our culture, Peterson gathers nine of the world's most brilliant minds to unravel the mysteries of the Gospel story and to resurrect the anchoring principles of the text that formed the West. All episodes are available now, exclusively on DailyWire+. 

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Article Spotlight

The Modern-Day Socrates: Jordan B. Peterson Conducts Socratic Seminar In New ‘Gospels’ Series

This is not an average Bible study. This is not even a typical Peterson lecture. This is something entirely different — a collision of intellect and spirit, of reason and faith, of skepticism and belief, all captured in vivid, full-color glory that the likes of ancient philosophers Aristotle and Plato could have only dreamed of preserving in their black-and-white texts.

Read More Here

On The Podcast

Beyond Mere Survival | Tony Robbins ‪@TonyRobbinsLive‬ | EP 517

In this episode, I sit down with author, success coach, and public speaker Tony Robbins. We discuss the art of communication, the immense power behind mindset, the clinical study which proved the impact of Robbins’ approach, and the reality that knowing your “why” allows you to bear any “how.”

From The Archives

What Makes Someone Truly "Christian"? | The Gospels

“Is it possible for someone who is not identified as a Christian to follow the Logos, to follow the way of the Logos?” This was a question posed during one of "The Gospels" seminars. The question was prompted by a verse in the Gospel of John: “Jesus answered, ‘I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.'” In this portion of our discussion, I highlight that this question is dependent upon what “identified” means. Several participants at the table provide insight on Christianity, the church, and what it means to be a Christian. 

Thank you for reading, 

Dr. Jordan B. Peterson
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