On Friday night, Donald Trump fired 17 inspectors general.
But here’s the thing:

Trump’s firing of the IGs was illegal — the president must give Congress 30 days’ notice before firing Senate-confirmed IGs.

Even Senator Lindsey Graham has acknowledged Trump violated the law, and several Republican senators have, ever so gently, criticized Trump’s action.

Most importantly, the IGs are pushing back. They told the Trump White House the firings were illegal.

One week into their second term, Trump and his minions are spreading fear around the country.

But rather than submit to the fear, the IGs are standing up. And we have to have their back. Courage begets courage.

Tell Congress:

You must insist the law be followed. Stand up for the inspectors general — whose job is to prevent the waste and fraud you say you want to curtail — who Donald Trump fired illegally.

Click to add your name now.

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- Lisa Gilbert & Robert Weissman, Co-Presidents of Public Citizen
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