Mises Institute
Monday, January 27, 2025
The Difference Between the Market and the Bureaucracy
Murray N. Rothbard
Without the discipline of profit-and-loss, the desires and goals of the bureaucrats, limited only by the prescriptions and budget of the legislature, necessarily guide policy.
Should Inflation Be Defined Only as Price Increases?
Frank Shostak
Mainstream economists define “inflation” as general increases in consumer and producer prices. Yet, such a definition misses why prices increase in the first place and why inflation should be described as an artificial increase in the money supply.
Why Joe Biden Had to Pardon Anthony Fauci
Biden’s last-minute pardon of Anthony Fauci was not done to spare an “innocent” person from abuse by dishonest politicians.
Modern Piggy Banks
Pundits have labeled piggy banks small change, irrational and wasteful, “just sitting around doing nothing.” As usual, they are wrong.
How the US Became So Dysfunctional, Oligarchic, and Corrupt
While political forces already were trying to push the US in a direction of centralization, the Civil War completed the job.
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Austrian Economics on the March
Joseph Salerno has long argued that Austrian economics should be developed not as an alternative to the current academic discipline of economics but as a replacement for it.
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Why the World Is Giving Up on Birthright Citizenship
Unrestricted birthright citizenship is increasingly rare, and with only a couple of exceptions, it persists only in countries with negative or near-zero rates of in-migration.
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Trump’s Border Crackdown
On the Dinesh D'Souza Podcast, Ryan McMaken joins to discuss the issue of birthright citizenship.
Mises in America
The great essayist and economist, William H. Peterson, pens a tribute to his colleague and teacher. In this monograph, he describes Mises’s temperament and personality, as well as his scholarly contributions—all in Peterson’s legendary style. It is a fascinating portrait and moving tribute to a master.
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