In a moment, I’m going to ask you to step up and be one of the 1,535 Democrats I need to renew your Democratic Membership before midnight.
First, I need to set the scene for you:
– Extreme MAGA Republicans currently hold one of the NARROWEST majorities in history.
– Democrats only need to gain THREE seats to flip the House.
– Now, I’m asking grassroots supporters like you to spring into action and help lay the groundwork for an incredible victory.
I know we have what it takes to win. We need to move quickly to compete with extreme MAGA Republicans and their MASSIVE war chest.
John xxxxxx, we need to start working TODAY if we’re going to have the resources it will take to reclaim a Democratic House majority and put a stop to Republican chaos. Our future depends on grassroots Democrats like you stepping up. That’s why I’m asking you personally, John xxxxxx, for your support. If you step up and renew your 2025 Democratic Membership, we’ll have the resources to register scores of new voters, recruit unstoppable candidates and run world-class ads to win this election. Can I count on you to chip in $15 before midnight? >>
We cannot waste even a single second, John xxxxxx.
House Republicans are already raising millions to try to defend their razor-thin majority.
We need to work together and move quickly to build a massive Democratic operation to turn out voters, mobilize our base and win the seats we need to reclaim our House majority.
John xxxxxx, I can’t even begin to tell you how urgent this moment is. As of 1pm, I’m counting on another 1,535 of our top grassroots supporters to renew your 2025 Democratic Membership before midnight to ensure we can compete with the scores of MAGA mega-donors who are working overtime to save their narrow majority. Will you rush $15 right away to put us over the top before midnight? With extreme MAGA Republicans clinging to one of the narrowest majorities in history, your donation will have an enormous impact on our ability to bring this win home >>
Keep the faith,