Illinois e-News Release
For Immediate Release
January 27, 2025
Media Contact: Maura Kownacki
Phone: 312-814-1777
Illinois Department of Revenue Announces Opening of 2025 Tax Season, Today, Jan. 27
Eligible Illinois Taxpayers Can Use IRS’ Direct File Program this Year
CHICAGO - The Illinois Department of Revenue (IDOR) announced it will begin accepting and processing 2024 tax returns today, Monday, January 27, the same date the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) begins accepting federal income tax returns.
Illinois will participate in the free IRS Direct File program this year. Eligible Illinois taxpayers can use the program to file their 2024 federal returns directly with the IRS. They will also be able to easily transfer their information into IDOR’s free online account management program,
MyTax Illinois, to file their Illinois taxes. Both platforms are fast, secure, easy to use, and mobile-friendly. Direct File eligibility can be confirmed by visiting
“IRS Direct File offers a range of benefits for taxpayers, including free federal tax return filing, step-by-step guidance, and real-time online support, explained
IDOR Director David Harris. "Eligible taxpayers can then use the verified Direct File information from a federal return to file their state taxes for free at
My Tax Illinois, not only saving time but also reducing the likelihood of errors.”
Taxpayers are encouraged to file electronically as early as possible and choose direct deposit to ensure the fastest processing and issuance of refunds. If a taxpayer files an error-free Illinois return electronically, they can expect to receive their direct deposit refund in approximately four weeks. Individuals may also choose to file using tax-prep software, a tax professional, or the paper Form IL-1040.
The tax filing deadline is Tuesday, April 15, 2025. Note: A six-month filing extension may be requested, but any taxes owed must still be paid by the April 15th due date.
In addition to offering free filing of Form IL-1040 through
MyTax Illinois, the site also allows individuals to make payments, respond to department inquiries, check the status of their refunds using
Where's My Refund?, look up IL-PINs and view the amounts of any estimated tax payments made.
IDOR's taxpayer assistance numbers are available for tax-related inquiries and include automated menus allowing taxpayers to check the status of a refund, identify an IL-PIN, or receive estimated payment information without having to wait for an agent. To receive assistance taxpayers may call
1-800-732-8866 or 217-782-3336. Free language assistance for Limited English Proficiency (LEP) individuals is available. For the most up-to-date information, forms, schedules, and instructions for the 2025 tax season, please visit IDOR's website at
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