Episode 234 dropped January 26: Host Sam Goldman speaks with Chrissy Stroop, senior correspondent for Religion Dispatches.
‼️ Wednesday, January 29 8:00 pm ET / 5:00 pm PT
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Chrissy Stroop: The Trump regime and the Christian fascists who support it want to make queerness, and particularly transness, just disappear from American public life, and they're doing that in all kinds of ways. Yes, they are trying to scare us. They're not only trying to scare us, but they're trying to stir up fear against us. They want to deprive us of our rights and even of places where we can openly speak. All these different initiatives are designed to push us out of public life.
Sam Goldman: The only way to make sense of this nightmare is to confront that fascism is here. The question now is: will the people in the United States allow it to consolidate or rise up, defy, refuse and defeat it? So what do we do? What can we do?
First, we need to remember that tens of millions not only do not support the Trump Regime but actively detest everything Trump and MAGA represents. This is a strength that we can’t lose sight of even as the visible resistance is largely out of sight. But this private hatred, this perpetual quiet loathing, or even the rage tweets/posts/tiktoks will not stop this regime from steamrolling the rights and lives of people in this country and around the world unless we harness it, channel it, mobilize it into a visible, unavoidable, relentless refusal.
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