Did you see the news? A new resolution in Idaho calls for the Supreme Court to review their ruling in Obergefell v. Hodges, saying America must return to the "natural definition" of marriage, which is "between one man and one woman."
The resolution would let each state decide who can marry - and if LGBTQ+ couples can marry at all. And here's what it would look like if we leave it up to the states: right now, more than half of the U.S. states have outdated bans that would immediately go into effect after a ruling.
But here's the good news: we've been electing LGBTQ+ candidates who are fighting to defend love. In Virginia, State Sen. Adam Ebbin and Del. Rozia Henson are pushing constitutional amendments to fully repeal their ban, while Rozia passed legislation requiring clerks to issue marriage licenses. In California, Colorado and Hawaii, our LGBTQ+ elected officials successfully protected marriage equality through ballot initiatives.
This is HUGE progress, and we have to keep the momentum going. We have to keep expanding pro-equality majorities and elect leaders who will repeal marriage bans. Our candidates are ready to repeal outdated trigger bans on LGBTQ+ rights and reproductive freedom. Donate today to ensure pro-choice LGBTQ+ candidates WIN and stop the Supreme Court from rolling back our rights!
Thanks for fighting back,
Sarah LeDonne
Pronouns: she|her|hers
Digital Director, LGBTQ+ Victory Fund