Bernie Sanders: Musk-Trump’s goal is to privatize…Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security and give them to their billionaire friends.
HERBERT, WE’RE WORRIED: If extremists like Musk and Trump get their way, Social Security will be GUTTED, and MILLIONS of Americans who rely on it every month will be stripped of their benefits.

So we need to know – do you support Musk’s plans to PRIVATIZE Social Security?
NO >>
YES >>
WE TOLD YOU that Trump and Musk are striving to privatize public benefits programs like Social Security – this would put millions of seniors at risk!!!

WE TOLD YOU that Democrats like Bernie Sanders and Congressman Joaquin Castro are fiercely working to protect this essential program.
Bernie Sanders: [We] have to increase [and] expand Social Security benefits by lifting the cap on taxable income. / Joaquin Castro: For decades, the government has unfairly reduced retirement benefits for [folks] who worked hard and paid into Social Security…I will continue fighting to preserve and expand [this program] for the generations to come.
WE TOLD YOU that we need to ensure local Democrats in your area don’t support Trump and Musk’s far-right plans – so please, let us know your thoughts by clicking here or below >>
Do you support Musk’s plans to PRIVATIZE Social Security?
NO >>
YES >>
Herbert – did you respond? ↑

Elect Southern Democrats

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9878 W Belleview Ave Ste 2009
Denver, CO 80123

Thank you for supporting our fight to elect southern Democrats, Herbert.

We believe in a simple principle: when Democrats vote, Democrats win. That’s why we’ve been organizing for Democrats in the South to win back the House and the Senate.

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