It’s difficult to know what changes Pierre Poilievre will make as prime minister.
He speaks mostly in simple slogans.
Still, he has to answer questions and be a little more specific every once in a while, and we are slowly discovering bits and pieces or what he is proposing.
This week, he was asked about equalization. Would he change anything? No, he wouldn’t make any big changes.
I can understand those in the West who are asking: “If Pierre won’t tackle equalization, what is he offering the West?”
The answer is: Nothing.
But that’s not all.
Poilievre also confirmed this week that a Conservative government would not pull out of the World Health Organization, as president Trump just did.
And he had already said 15 months ago that he would not withdraw from the Paris Climate Accord either, like Trump also did this week.
Since then however, he’s never explained how he would fulfill Canada’s obligations under that agreement to reach our carbon reduction targets, apart from vague promises to promote green technologies and carbon capture.
But you know what? Liberal Environment minister Steven Guilbeault said this week that he too is now open to scrapping the carbon tax like Carney and Freeland, because “there’s about 100 different measures that we have deployed to fight climate change in Canada.”
So let me tell you what’s going to happen:
Poilievre will scrap the Liberal carbon tax (if the Liberals don’t do it before him!).
But in order to reach the Paris targets, he will keep these 100 other costly measures which Canadians indirectly pay for with taxes, economic inefficiency and a lower standard of living.
And he will also subsidize green technologies, with our taxes.
Can you see how Poilievre is different from Guilbeault, Carney and Freeland?
Neither can I!
John, it’s clear that NOTHING will change with Poilievre.
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