Survival Sunday is a personal note and update for folks who are interested in being prepared. This message is only available to email and Patreon subscribers.
Have a great week ahead!
Good morning, friends!
The atmosphere in North Carolina is hopeful after a visit by the President and the First Lady. I was watching this video, and I thought it was so powerful. It demonstrates the importance of being heard. They listened with compassion to local people in a devastated area tell their stories, and however bad we knew things were, it was a thousand times worse. Knowing that, finally,
help is on the way and that someone in power cares was quite emotional to these forgotten Americans.
I've been working on editing a new book by one of your favorite writers and should be releasing it very soon. (Hopefully, tomorrow!) Trust me when I tell you - you're going to LOVE this.
I live in an apartment in an upscale suburb, and the sound of gunshots is getting more frequent. Last night, I was watching Netflix and I heard so many "pops" that I initially thought it had to be fireworks. I turned of the television to listen and realized it was gunshots from two distinctly different guns. After I realized what it was, I began counting - 27 more shots were fired. I moved into an interior room because really - who knows these days? Soon, I was relieved when I heard
multiple sirens. The response was quick - under five minutes from the last shot - but I said to a friend, "I bet it didn't feel quick to the folks being shot at."
This morning, I was astonished to see that this incident didn't even make the news.
My daughter works at a job downtown in an upscale restaurant. Their windows have been deliberately broken on three separate occasions since December. People were fleeing from a shooter in the bus depot one night when she was headed home. None of this made the news either. We've determined that unless someone dies, the media ignores the violence. Last week, her friend who works at another restaurant was present at yet another shooting when a disgruntled former employee killed other employees. A small cafe was burned to the ground the next day, and it was an act of arson.
What used to be a nice, safe area is changing rapidly. I'm saddened to see this
devolution of an area I love, and I fervently hope it is turned around.
We finally had some snow last week, and it was lovely while it lasted. As a former Canada-dweller, I always feel a bit sentimental about snow. After that, we've begun to come out of our bitter cold snap and the weather is a bit more normal for this area.
We're facing threats to our food supply from many different angles: supply chain breakdowns, drought, food facilities being ravaged by fires, skyrocketing inflation, and outright shortages. No longer can we live in the comfort of unthreatened abundance. We're learning exactly how delicate the system really is.
Prepping and putting back supplies is incredibly important but what we're seeing now goes beyond that. You have to be able to produce and acquire more food. You have to be able to put back your harvests to eat during the winter. You have to be able to prepare items that once were as convenient as popping open a can or little plastic container.
You need a paperback copy of How to Feed Your Family No Matter What, our Organic Prepper anthology with ALL of our content about food. You'll get more than 500 pages of content that are all about food when you can't just go to the store and buy whatever
you want.