From Lara Trump <[email protected]>
Subject The Left has its tentacles everywhere.
Date January 26, 2025 2:45 PM
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You may know me as President Trump's daughter-in-law but this morning I'm
writing you as a mother with one mission on my mind: To protect our children
from the poison of woke ideology.

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Dear Fellow American,

You may know me as President Trump's daughter-in-law but this morning I'm
writing you as a mother with one mission on my mind:

To protect our children from the poison of woke ideology.

And to accomplish that, I need you to join the fight.
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Make no mistake, this is about all of America's children.

And how the Left is reaching right into our homes -- yours, mine, everyone's
-- and luring our little ones into their anti-God, anti-America army.

Before I go any further, if you're like many of the folks I've met across the
country who've already raised their children, right now you may be thinking:

"This is a parenting issue. Parents should just say, 'No!'"

I understand. And I agree.

But here's the reality.

So many parents work hard every day to instill good, American values in our

But the Left has its tentacles everywhere.

I'm sure you know already how schools -- private and taxpayer funded -- are
brimming with radicals trying to indoctrinate our children's minds and hearts.

And you know that TV, movies, and music have all been hijacked by the Left.

In nearly every space, the leftist messages creep in.

Whether it's books the kids bring home from school, TV shows that claim to be
"harmless," or even every other commercial pushing the leftist agenda...'s nearly impossible to keep the indoctrination out.

That's why, together, you and I must do everything in our power to counter the
Left's lies with THE TRUTH.

And that's why your support to Brave Books today is so critical.
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I'm going to tell you more about their critical mission in a minute but first
I have to tell you about the most alarming thing parents are facing right now.

Despite all parent's efforts, if their child takes the bait and latches onto
a leftist lie...

...if parents show any opposition, the Left brings down all its might against

Right now, Illinois is debating a bill that changes the definition of child
abuse to include parents who refuse to let their minor children change genders.

That is what we're up against.

And so, all of us who love God and love our country must work together right
now to instill rock-solid, armor of TRUTH into our children so they never fall
for the Left's insane lies.

And the #1 thing you can do today is help by giving your best donation to
Brave Books right now.
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If you've heard of Brave Books, you know they're a mission-based company that
arms pro-God, pro-American parents and grandparents with quality children’s
books that captivate young minds and hearts with lessons in conservative values.

Maybe you’ve seen them featured on Fox News for countering the Left's horrible

Brave Books fought back by enlisting the help of actor, father, soon-to-be
grandad, and ChristianKirk Cameron (Growing Pains, Left Behind, Fireproof) to
host family friendly "See You at the Library" events across the country.

"See you at the Library" events proudly start with the Pledge of Allegiance
followed by story time featuring greatBrave Books with conservative messages
such as:

* The Test of Lionhood by Kevin Sorbo -- Teaches children that masculinity
and bravery are good.
* The Night the Snow Monster Attacked by General Michael Flynn -- Shows
children what it takes to be a good leader.
* Happy No Snake Day by Riley Gaines -- Encourages children to stand up for
the truth.
* Because You're My Family by Missy Robertson -- Teaches children the
importance of family and unconditional Christian love.

Kirk Cameron himself has authored several Brave Books. But my favorite is
Pride Comes Before the Fall which teaches the beauty of humility in the eyes of

The folks at Brave Books aren’t afraid to confront the "woke" Left head on!

That's why when they asked me to partner with them on a book of my own, I
jumped at the chance.

My Brave Book, inspired in part by my father-in-law, is entitled The
Never-Give-Up Pup and it teaches the importance of hard work and perseverance.

The Left wants kids lazy and unmotivated so they can control them.

In The Never-Give-Up Pup, kids learn how good it feels to put in a hard day’s
work and see the results on the other side.

Strong kids, brave kids, Godly kids are who Eric and I are trying to raise.
And I think you feel the same way.

That's why I hope you’ll support Brave Books today by giving a gift of $35,
$50, $75, $100, or more.
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Your gift helps Brave Books create and distribute these powerful lessons to
America's children, so they never fall for leftist lies.

I believe so much in this great American company and what they're doing for
our children and our country that in appreciation of yourgift of $100 or more
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, I'll send you a copy ofThe Never-Give-Up Pup as a special "Thank you" from me.

Sharing the lessons of The Never-Give-Up Pup with your children or
grandchildren is a priceless gift. Or if you prefer, you can donate it to your
local library or leave it in the waiting room at your next doctor's appointment
so children who aren't growing up in conservative homes can get its message.

My fellow conservative, thank you for reading my email today. I feel so
blessed to have a small role in fighting for our children and our country and
I'm honored to have you on our side.

For America and America's Children,

Lara Trump

Wife, Mother, and Author

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Lara Trump

Wife, Mother, and Author

P.S. If we do nothing, we're just handing America's children over to the Left.
Please help me fight by giving to Brave Books to protect our children today.
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Thank you! - Lara

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Brave Books

13618 Poplar Cir, Suite 302

Conroe, TX 77304

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