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Hello, True Texans!
It is great to have good news to share at last after the State House has disappointed us two weeks in a row.
1.) The State Bar has dropped the ethics complaint from AG Ken Paxton's record.
2.) We've put the fear of God into the State Reps who did their dirty deeds and gave Democrats power and money. Now they are falling all over themselves to send out messaging defending their actions. Just remember, it's all lies. If what they did was so great, why did all the Ds vote for it (except 1), celebrate it, and hold a press conference over it? And why did Speaker Burrows shut down all conversation and force an immediate vote so that no questions could be asked or changes made? The Reps who fought the fake Rs are listed below. They should be thanked, as they are taking a beating! (Toth and Holt may be added, as they changed their votes).
3.) Be my Valentine! Not only are we announcing our Texas Tough gala next week (I can't wait to tell you who our keynote is!!!), but we've also got our first dance practice coming to prep us for it! Everyone welcome. We'll have more on other dates too.
4.) Our event with Meg Basham yesterday was a great success! I had no idea how deliberate the Left's infiltration into the evangelical churches was. Not that I'm surprised. They are calculated and evil, and my brain doesn't operate like their's. We've got a lot of work to do! If you missed it, don't worry. We're recording a podcast with her. Watch for that on Feb 7.
5.) The TEC did NOT accept the charge filed against State GOP Chairman Abraham George. We still need to contact our legislators about de-weaponizing the TEC though, so learn all about it here.
6.) We are finally opening a TP USA High School group alongside one of our monthly meetings. We're testing this in Tarrant County, so if you know an interested teen, reply to this email! We must train the youth to take the baton!
7.)What a bright idea! We received this message this week:
I'd like to challenge everyone within the TTP ranks who (like me) is "unhappy" with the Legislature's week 1 and week 2 shenanigans. Let's do something about it. How? Save $10/month for the next year and donate the money saved to someone who primaries one of the RINOs. If everyone in TTP did the same, imagine how we could collectively finance real change in March 2026. I can (and will) set aside $10/month to help foster real legislative change and put fear in the hearts of RINOs.
This is how it's done! I've got Gio's name on my jar.
That's 7 bits of good news! Isn't that great stuff? Sure, we deal with a lot of really awful people doing really evil things, but we try to sprinkle some positive in with it. Either way, there's nobody I'd rather have by my side through it all than True Texans like you!
January Announcements
Capitol Engagement
Remember, we're at the Capitol every Tuesday! We've got True Texan Day on March 3; and we're doing a Kids' Day on Mar 25. Plus, click the bars below to sign up for our monthly bus trips to Austin from various locations (thanks to Texas Gun Rights!), in fact we've just added TWO MORE bus trips on March 11th from various locations. If you have any plans to join us, email [email protected]. If you take a carpool, we'll pay for the gas!
Our onlinecalendar is always kept up to date with upcoming meetings and events. Check out the upcoming week of events - socials, meetings, and @home groups coming up! Our January calendar is below. Watch next week for our February calendar, or take a sneak peak at it on our website!
Thursday, January 30th Beaumont Area Meeting RESCHEDULED Check the website for more details
Friday, January 31st Denton / Collin Happy Hour & Game Night!
Monthly TTP@Home groups...
TTP@Home Florence meets on Tuesday 1/28 TTP@Home Denison meets on Saturday 2/1 TTP@Home Weatherford meets on Monday 2/3 TTP@Home Cross Plains meets on Saturday 2/8 TTP@Home Florence now meets on the second Tuesday- 2/11 TTP@Home North Richland Hills meets on Monday 2/17 TTP@Home Lubbock meets on Monday 2/17 TTP@Home Burleson meets on Tuesday 2/18 TTP@Home Ennis now meets on the fourth Saturday - 2/22
Clickhere for more information about our TTP@Home groups. These groups are spreading like wildfire! Let us know if you want to start one in your area by replying to this email.
Monthly TTP podcasts
Our TTP@Home podcast is offered on the 1st Friday of every month specifically for those who cannot get to an in-person meeting, but of course it's great content for all activists. Check out the January episode...or any others you may have missed! The new one with Meg Basham drops Feb 7!
True Texas Project works hard to train and engage activists. Can you help? We are 100% donation-based. Click here to donate to our movement. TrueTexasProject.com NOTE: TTP does NOT pay a fee to WinRed for using their donation site. We only pay a processing fee to the credit card company (and you have the option to cover it).
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