Hi John,
As you probably already heard, Oregon’s 2025 legislative session commenced on Tuesday, January 21st! This session, the Oregon League of Conservation Voters is committed to doing all we can to protect our state’s climate and environment, because our planet is worth protecting. You know that as a member of OLCV. Will you help us raise the bar for protecting our planet this session?
Oregon has a unique opportunity this year to be a beacon of hope for the rest of the country. With a pro-environment supermajority in both the Oregon House and Senate, now is the time to raise the bar for climate action - even under a Trump presidency. But how can we get there? It’s simple - through our strong member support. Member support has always been the driving force behind organizations like ours, and it’s because of you that our state has come as far as it has. There’s no denying that Oregon is a leader on climate, and we’ll keep fighting together to raise the bar. Will you help us get there by making a contribution of any amount? |