Maine Conservation Voters


Dear John,

The COVID-19 pandemic is battering our economy, both here in Maine and across the country. 

Unemployment rates are at historic levels. Food pantry lines are staggering. Things could get even worse as the public health crisis ravages our communities.

As the process of restarting and recovering the economy begins, it's critical we start advocating for a green recovery — a recovery that puts people back to work in a green economy and aligns policies and recovery plans with the latest climate science, not one that bails out the fossil fuel industry and lets polluters off the hook.

Right now, Congress is debating a significant new round of stimulus and recovery funding to rebuild our economy. We need to speak out and tell our Maine delegation that any new funding must take bold action to address the climate crisis and invest in clean energy infrastructure to create a more sustainable economy.

Tell Sens. King & Collins and Reps. Pingree & Golden: We must have a green recovery to rebuild our economy. Click here to sign the petition.

Rebuilding our economy will require transformative action. Our leaders must take bold steps to expand health protections for all, get everyone back to work with good jobs, and invest in a cleaner economy that generates economic growth, protects our communities, and addresses the climate crisis.

As Congress considers additional legislative action related to COVID-19, it is imperative that they not only include protections for frontline workers and support for communities and families struggling with the economic and health ramifications of this pandemic, but they must also demand bold and transformative investments to build a more just, equitable, and sustainable society.

Join us to tell Maine's congressional delegation that we must have a green recovery to rebuild our economy. Click here to sign the petition.

Thank you for speaking out.

Kathleen Meil






© 2020 Maine Conservation Voters
295 Water St.
Ste. 9
Augusta, ME 04330
United States
