From Andrew Wommack <[email protected]>
Subject Andrew Wommack: You Can Be a Victor Instead of a Victim
Date January 25, 2025 5:05 PM
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You Can Be a Victor Instead of a Victim

Dear John,

These days, it seems like so many people just want to blame somebody else for how their lives turned out. They claim that, because of the color of their skin or some other thing, they didn’t have the “privileges” that other people did. They think their financial status or their lack of success in life can be attributed to racism or some other kind of “trauma.”

I’ll tell you, some people just need to take their thumbs out of their mouths and grow up!

People need to quit blaming God or fate or other people for all their problems. They think that it’s everybody else’s fault or it’s the way they’re being treated. And then, when their actions turn out to have consequences, they don’t take any personal responsibility. They blame it on how they were raised as a child or something else and claim they’re really the victim.

That’s exactly what Adam did after he ate from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil in the Garden of Eden—something God told him specifically not to do!

And the man said, The woman whom thou gavest to be with me, she gave me of the tree, and I did eat.

Genesis 3:12 ([link removed] )

Notice, instead of admitting to what he had done, Adam passed the buck to Eve, saying, “It was the woman!” Then, Adam actually tried to blame God, saying, “You’re the one who gave her to me!” He just refused to accept responsibility.

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Andrew Wommack

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