Now, we take our kids back and our country back. Again, there is no such thing as a trans child. These poor kids are being groomed for depraved sexual acts at a young age. This stops today, and with the full force of the federal government behind us, we will stop this sick practice in Colorado as well. Adults who commit acts to advance the child grooming agenda should be criminally tried, imprisoned, and institutionalized for life, including those on Durango 9-R School Board.
President Trump knows our Colorado schools are in trouble, and our kids are hurting at the hands of the staff members who groom them. Our President will hold these sick adults accountable, and we will prevail in saving our kids. In the meantime, please hold your school board accountable for breaking federal laws in the name of “equity.” School districts like Durango 9-R, with boards that are full of hyper-sexualized adults with sexual disorders, are chomping at the bit to indoctrinate our kids. This is why we issued the call last year to pull your kids out of public schools, and many of you heeded that call. For those who did not, the time is now. Your child’s lifelong success and happiness depend on you to protect them from Colorado schools. Please hear this impassioned plea; Colorado school staff members are irreversibly harming children, and this must stop immediately. We will end this nonsense as quickly as possible to prevent the destruction of more innocent Colorado kids.
Please reach out to Kristy Davis or one of us in the meantime, to hold your school accountable for hurting children and ignoring federal laws as well as President Trump's Executive Order that specifies only two genders exist in real life. There is nothing more serious we must accomplish. Our children are our future.
In Liberty,
Colorado Republicans