Tomorrow, May 27 at 4pm CT, I’m having a Zoom conversation with Senator Brian Schatz (D-HI) about how to win Wisconsin and tip the entire 2020 presidential election.
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Sen. Brian Schatz has been in the U.S. Senate since 2012. He was the Chair of the Democratic Party of Hawaii from 2008 – 2010. He was elected to be the Lieutenant Governor of Hawaii in 2010 and in 2012 he became the youngest Senator in the 112th Congress.
Sen. Schatz is working to help Senate candidates achieve a Democratic majority this fall, but he also knows we need to defeat President Trump. Since Wisconsin is the tipping point state in the 2020 election, Sen. Schatz has been using his large Twitter following to promote our efforts to defeat Trump in Wisconsin.
Last fall, a senior Trump campaign official said in a closed-door briefing "If we lose Wisconsin, we lose the election." And that, indeed, is exactly what we're planning for Trump. Chip in to join me and Sen. Brian Schatz at this virtual event to hear how:
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