From Advancing Justice | AAJC <[email protected]>
Subject Join Our Training: How To Respond and Practice Resilience When Experiencing Anti-Asian Harassment
Date January 25, 2025 1:02 PM
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Are you concerned about anti-Asian hate and harassment? Would you like to learn about what you can do to protect yourself and others when you experience hate and harassment? Asian Americans Advancing Justice – AAJC ([link removed]) and Right To Be ([link removed]) have partnered to offer training for the Asian American community entitled “How To Respond to Harassment and Practice Resilience When People Experience Anti-Asian / American Harassment.”

Over the past year, twelve community-based organizations ([link removed]) have joined this effort and have brought this training to local communities in-person. These organizations are offering training in thirteen Asian languages, including Cantonese, Dari, Hindi, Hmong, Karen, Khmer, Korean, Lao, Mandarin, Nepali, Pashto, Tagalog, and Vietnamese, plus English.

We recognize that many in our communities are experiencing fear and heightened anxiety at this time, and we wish to expand access to these trainings. If you are looking for an opportunity to learn and spend time in (virtual) community, please consider attending one of our online trainings and encouraging your family members and friends to join too. With our partners, we have launched a series of online trainings, starting with yesterday’s training in English led by Asian Americans Advancing Justice Southern California ([link removed]) .

We now are sharing information about two upcoming sessions of our “How To Respond to Harassment and Practice Resilience When People Experience Anti-Asian / American Harassment” training next week, and will be announcing additional sessions soon.

** Upcoming Trainings

CANTONESE training led by Asian Youth Center ([link removed])

Monday, January 27 at 12pm Pacific / 3pm Eastern
Click here to register for the In-Cantonese Training ([link removed])

VIETNAMESE training led by Asian Americans Advancing Justice Southern California ([link removed])

Thursday, January 30 at 12pm Pacific / 3pm Eastern
Click here to register for the In-Vietnamese Training ([link removed])

During this 75-minute, highly interactive training participants will:
+ Learn Right To Be's methodology for responding to harassment: 1) Trust Your Instincts, 2) Reclaim Your Space, and 3) Practice Resilience.
+ Understand how your identities can shape your experience of harassment and the impact that harassment has on you and your community as a whole.
+ Discuss what to look for when assessing your safety, and how to determine if responding in the moment is the right action or not.
+ Take a deep dive into how to build your resilience on an individual, interpersonal, organizational, community, and societal front.
+ Practice using real-life scenarios. Leave with new tools on how to respond to harassment, whether in the moment or long-term.

Finally, Advancing Justice – AAJC, AJSOCAL, and Right To Be continue to offer Bystander Intervention Training ([link removed]) , which complements this “How To Respond” training.

Thank you.
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