[1]A bright beacon of hope is fighting back.
Every Thinking American
How can we all not see it: Americans being herded, corralled and abused by
those who always seek advantage, even in a system of government designed to
strip them of advantage. Accuracy, truth becoming expendable. Lies and
manipulation defended and left unpunished. Millions being moved emotionally
instead of led intellectually.
A bright beacon of hope is fighting back, building a response, the only
response a free people have: A source of unquestioned accuracy about the
positions taken, the statements made, the votes delivered and the histories
on thousands of politicians now angling for our votes.
[2]VoteSmart.org, a group started by leaders of both parties, worked on by
thousands of students, volunteers and committed staff needs the help of
every thinking American.
[4]Donate Now
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[7]Vote Smart is a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization that provides
accurate information about candidates, elected officials, and key pieces of
legislation. By providing information in an easy and accessible manner,
Vote Smart believes that citizens can better defend themselves from the
questionable rhetoric and misrepresentation that characterizes present-day
political campaigns.
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