Campaign Update May 26, 2020
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A newsletter of the Future of Nursing: Campaign for Action, an initiative of AARP Foundation, AARP, and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. 
May 26, 2020

Send shout-outs, story ideas, and webinar information to Aidan McCallion at [email protected].

 In Memoriam

The American Nurses Association Honors the COVID-19 Fallen Nurses  

The American Nurses Association (ANA) welcomes the public to pay tribute to the nurses who have lost their lives to COVID-19 by visiting its online memorial wall. ANA created the endeavor as part of a larger social media campaign, #RememberHealthHeroes, which is led by the International Council of Nurses, World Health Organization, and Nursing Now.

​​​​​​​Read more
Lit tea candles

Campaign News and Features

New Book Addresses Advanced Practice Nurses and Global Leadership

Susan B. Hassmiller, PhD, RN, FAAN, senior advisor for nursing at the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and director of the Future of Nursing: Campaign for Action, along with Joyce Pulcini, PhD, RN, FAAN, tenured professor and chair of the George Washington University School of Nursing, serve as co-editors and authors of a first-ever book addressing advanced practice nurses and global leadership.

Learn more 
Cover of the book, Advanced Practice Nursing Leadership: A Global Perspective

High School Prepares Students to Study Nursing

The Rhode Island Nurses Institute Middle College Charter High School (RINIMC) which has  provided nursing certification programs to low-income high school students in Providence, RI for nine years will expand its certification offerings and increase enrollment by reaching out to high school students in other locations, and those individuals who are under employed and unemployed.  

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RINIMC senior Jillian Corbin packs personal protective equipment in her family’s kitchen before heading to work as a certified nursing assistant providing home care during the COVID-19 pandemic.

100,000 Paid or Volunteer COVID-19 Contract Tracers Needed

The Johns Hopkins School of Public Health and the Association of State and Territorial Health Officials (ASTHO) recent release of A National Plan to Enable Comprehensive COVID-19 Case Finding and Contact Tracing in the US specifies the need for a contract tracing workforce that states could use to connect quarantined individuals with visiting nurses.
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Woman views the COVID-19 tracker on her cellphone

Florence Nightingale's Legacy is Honored in New Campaign Video  

Spanning more than a 160 year timeframe, the Campaign' s latest video pays homage to nurses who throughout history, from the days of Florence Nightingale, to the Spanish influenza and even today's global pandemic, are a constant source of healing in times of uncertainty.     

Watch video
screenshot of video showing Florence Nightingale standing.

Nurses at Health Evaluation Delivery System Treating the Underserved

The Pennsylvania Action Coalition latest podcast, At the Core of Care , focuses on the nursing staff at Multicultural Health Evaluation Delivery System (MDES), a primary care clinic in Erie, Pennsylvania. These nurses are providing culturally competent care for newly settled refugees and immigrants. Many of their colleagues at MDES, including medical assistants and patient coordinators, were once recently settled refugees themselves. 
Logo of the At the Core of Care Podcast

Calif. Nurse Leaders Develop Guidelines on Response to COVID-19

HealthImpact, the co-lead organization of the California Action Coalition, worked with other state nursing organizations, among others, to produce toolkits and guidance documents for academic institutions, clinical agencies, clinicians, and nursing students that address best practices in responding to different phases of the COVID-19 pandemic.  

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COVID-19 Nursing Home Residents Pose Special Challenges 

A director of nursing at the New Jersey Firemen's Home, the only nursing home in New Jersey dedicated exclusively to the care of all firefighters, talks with AARP's Take On Today: An Inside Look at Hospitals and Nursing Homes, about the unprecedented demands on nurses during the pandemic. 

Two nurse hugging outside - cover photo of the AARP Take on Today podcast episode

Special Online Screening of a Nurse Documentary

The American Nurse, an 81-minute film first nationally released in 2014, features an intimate look at the lives of five nurses located in five places; a nurse working in Appalachia, a prison nurse, a home health nurse, a nursing home director, and a military nurse. The documentary, which is part of the American Nurse Project, is available at no cost through the month of May and provides CE credit for nurses who complete the evaluation. 

Watch now

Lists Ways to Help, Stay Informed About COVID-19

The Future of Nursing: Campaign for Action website now offers a resources page with information for both nurses and the public about the novel coronavirus. Among features: Leading nursing organizations seek information from nurses and offer health suggestions, while trusted health authorities tell the public how to support nurses, and stay safe. 

Learn more, share resources
Women, outside of glass door, checking in on loved one.

Action Coalitions: What’s Up? Tell Us So That We Can Share

Fans of the Future of Nursing: Campaign for Action like to learn what’s happening in other states. But we might not know your stories. Help us celebrate your efforts and share details of progress by dropping a note to Aidan McCallion at [email protected]. We’ll spread the news through news posts, social media, and the Campaign Update.

Funding, Tools, and Other Opportunities

New - Community Preventive Services Task Force Seeks New Members

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is soliciting nominations for public health and prevention professionals who are interested and may be qualified to serve on the Community Preventive Services Task Force.  Appointed by the CDC director, each member serves a five-year term on the independent panel of experts. Applications are due on Friday, June 26 on or before 5 p.m. ET. 

Learn more

Participate in Testing the Board Engagement Survey

Calling all registered nurses (RNs) and advanced practice registered nurses (APRNs): have you served for at least one year on a board of directors with fiduciary responsibilities? You may be eligible to participate in a study, approved by the University of Massachusetts Boston Institutional Review Board, to test an instrument aimed at measuring the engagement of nurses on boards. Take the survey and share this message with your RN and APRN colleagues. The survey closes on May 31. 

Take the survey

Meetings and Webinars

Meetings open to all unless otherwise noted. Follow links for details about fees and registration.

Coronavirus Information Tele-Town Halls
AARP. Thursdays, 1 p.m. ET. Call-in number: (855) 274-9507.
Practice Authority: COVID-19 and the Changing Role of the NP (webinar)
National Nurse-Led Care Consortium. May 27, 2 p.m. ET.
Strategic Diversity Leadership & Culturally Relevant Decision-Making During COVID-19 (webinar)
American Association of Colleges of Nursing. May 29, 12:30-1:30 p.m. ET. 
Caregiving in the U.S. 2020 (webinar)
AARP and National Alliance for Caregiving. June 2, 3 p.m. ET.
Aligning Resources to Provide for Aging Adults in the Community
National Center Accelerating Interprofessional Community-based Education and Practice Initiative. June 10, 3 p.m. ET.
The Power of Data to Build a Healthier Nation (Virtual)
National Nurse-Led Care Consortium, National Forum of State Nursing Workforce Centers. June 11-22.

COVID-19: Disproportionate Impact on Black Communities (webinar)
County Health Rankings and Roadmaps. Thursday, June 25, 3 p.m. ET.
COVID-19: Disproportionate Impact on Tribal Nations (webinar)
County Health Rankings and Roadmaps. July 9, 3 p.m. ET.

US COVID-19 Mapping: Bridging Data with Historical Context (webinar)
County Health Rankings and Roadmaps. July 21, 3 p.m. ET.

Responding to Crisis in the Latino Population with an Equity Lens (webinar)
County Health Rankings and Roadmaps. August 13, 3 p.m. ET.

Putting Care at the Center 2020 - Meeting postponed until 2021. 
National Center for Complex Health and Social Needs. 
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Future of Nursing: Campaign for Action at the Center to Champion Nursing in America

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