We’re continuing our email series to refresh you on what Medicare for All is and how it would work by reviewing the six core MFA principles, which you can read and share with others here.
Today’s email is focused on the sixth and final principle of a just transition, including funding and programs to protect and support any displaced workers in the insurance industry.
Workers who administer our current fractured health insurance system shouldn’t be punished by the transition to Medicare for All. That’s why the Medicare for All Act is written to ensure a just transition for workers whose jobs would be impacted by moving to a health care system with simpler administration.1
Revenue from the Medicare for All trust fund will be set aside to ensure people who may be displaced from jobs related to the administration of private health insurance are taken care of. For up to 5 years after the Act is implemented, at least 1 percent of a multi-trillion dollar budget will be set aside to implement programs to assist those who are adversely affected by the change to Medicare for All.
A robust series of programs will ensure that people can find new work or pursue job training and education, and that people are financially supported in the transition. The displacement fund created by the bill will be used to implement programs to ensure wage replacement, retirement benefits, job training, and education benefits, including covering tuition if people seek to return to school to learn a new trade. This ensures the greatest amount of flexibility possible.
Additionally, there will also be some opportunities to pursue the same sort of work as Medicare expands to cover all people. While private insurance jobs will be lost under Medicare for All, health administration jobs will still exist within the expanded Medicare program. This will provide another option for workers currently working in health care administration.
Nobody — from patients to providers to insurance industry workers — will be left behind when we pass Medicare for All.
Let’s keep up the momentum to replace our broken health care system with a just, single-payer system that guarantees health care for ALL!
In solidarity,
Nurses’ Campaign to Win Medicare for All
1 - Nurses’ Campaign to Win Medicare for All Frequently Asked Questions