Hi John,
Trump really IS deporting them all!

He's not messing around- and Arizona will benefit greatly!

Deportations have already begun. And Trump has marshalled the full force of the Federal government to assist. 
I was especially delighted to know that the planes similar to the ones I once flew, will be employed to deport the illegals. Trump really isn't messing around!
One thing I was thrilled at- no one abusing the asylum laws anymore, because all migrant entry across the border has been shut down.

Here in Arizona, this will have HUGE consequences. 
Here in AZ, news just broke of "asylum seekers" who were really cartel employees, smuggling rounds to their fighters inside the US. 

We are actually being INVADED by these cartels and they have foreign fighters on our soil- HERE IN ARIZONA. 

This is no time for some stupid "Axis of Resistance" or whatever Gov. Hobbs or Kris Mayes are calling themselves. 

Trump and the AZ Legislature are doing the hard work- protecting Arizonans. 
Trump has mobilized the full force of the Federal Government against the illegals. This is progress.

We have been authorized in Arizona- by a nearly 2-1 margin- to mobilize the full force of the Arizona government against the illegal invasion also. 

Against that backdrop, all that Gov. Hobbs and Kris Mayes can talk about is how they will resist the deportation of the "poor illegals". 

Maybe we in the AZ Legislature should "RESIST" funding Hobbs and Mayes!

Do YOU want us to push back hard on Hobbs and Mayes- maybe defunding Mayes' office and compelling them to do the will of the voters of Arizona?

AZ needs safety. We need reprieve from the invasion, and we need the invaders kicked out. Trump gets it. But he needs help in Arizona. We need to make the BIGGEST statement we can against the invasion!

I want to see how many patriots can donate $100, as a show of support for the deportations and helping President Trump make this happen. Can you help me push the AZ Legislature to get tough?

God bless Arizona, and God bless America!
Wendy Rogers, Lt Col USAF (ret)
Arizona Senator LD7
PS: Mayes and Hobbs WANT the invasion. For them to do the right thing, we will have to compel them. Help me show the politicians that the people want this!
Wendy Rogers is a retired member of the Air Force. Use of military rank, job titles, and photographs in uniform does not imply endorsement by the Department of the Air Force or the Department of Defense.
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