Speak up for transit riders at MTC

The Bay Area Metropolitan Transportation Committee is creating a Blue Ribbon Task Force to help guide emergency transit priorities and funding decisions. We need to make sure the Bay Area has the strongest possible plan for public transit recovery, including standards for safety and an equitable core service plan.

The Task Force is missing rider-based advocates at the table. Without rider representation, the Task Force may inadvertently hurt those who depend on transit most: essential workers and transit-dependent populations. With so much at stake in terms of funding, service priorities, safety, and equity concerns, MTC needs to better include rider interests in discussions that will shape the future of transit. 

We're asking three things from MTC:

  1. Set Bay Area-wide safety and cleaning standards to ensure rider and worker protection across all transit systems. Making sure transit is safe for everyone is crucial for current riders and workers; it is also necessary to bring riders back to transit.
  2. Create a coordinated regional core transit network to inform service planning decisions and emergency funding allocations.
  3. Include at least one rider-based organization in the Blue Ribbon Task Force, to make sure decisions are grounded in the needs of riders.

Upcoming Events:

Metropolitan Transportation Commission Meeting
Wednesday, May 27 @ 9:15am (details here, download the agenda for instructions to participate)
Join advocates across the Bay Area in calling on MTC to prioritize rider and worker health and safety in transit recovery funding decisions, lead by their Blue Ribbon Task Force.

Call to Action Save Public Transit Regional Town Hall
Thursday, May 28 @ 11 am (Facebook link)
Community and faith-based advocates Genesis are hosting a town hall with Orinda Mayor and MTC Commissioner Amy Worth and AC Transit Vice President Elsa Ortiz.

SFTR Organizer Academy Session 2
Thursday, May 28 @ 5pm (sign up for the link)
We'll dive in to how Muni is structured - how do projects happen, who makes decisions and influences what transit looks like in the city, what are the processes, and how we can impact them.

SFMTA Board of Directors Meeting
Tuesday, June 2 @ 1pm (agenda will be posted here, watch on SF Gov TV)
The SFMTA will be discussing proposed quick build solutions to speed up transit and support walking and biking. Tune in to share your support.

San Francisco Transit Riders
P.O. Box 193341,  | San Francisco, California  94119 

[email protected]
